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Advice on alcoholic drunks harassing me/passers by

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The problem isn't the number of off-licences but the fact that this off-licence is irresponsibly selling booze to intoxicated individuals. Also the strength of the drink too. There is only two markets for this drink and that's alcoholics and teens. So why not simply stop selling the product or informing this off-licence of its legal duty to responsible drinking.


It isn't as easy as that woodman.


This scum can get very violent when denied alcohol and the police don't do anything about them, they should be moved to a camp.


I witnessed the drunks who congregate outside Tesco on west street get refused alcohol on the basis of intoxication. The drunk attacked the person behind the till and them when thrown out by a black security guard, he spat at him and dropped the n bomb. I offered to nae a statement to the police and the manager said "there's no point, we call the police about them ever day and they just say there is nothing we can do.


The off licence on Wellington Street got ransacked and the employee asaulted when he refused people from the salvation army place alcohol.


These people need dealing with violently.

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These people need dealing with violently.



And here lies the problem . The liberals will let them carry on their aggressive behaviour regardless of their anti-social actions. Afterall it's deemed a medical condition that needs to be assessed and treated. Last time i went down west street one of these vermin was spitting at a passer by for not giving him any money. ah bless him :loopy::loopy:

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The problem with alcohol is too easy to get hold of its everywhere unlike in the past where only pubs and off licenses were allowed to sell it . Its easy to get hooked on it too perhaps its time to prune back on shops selling alcohol easy said than done as shops want to sell it has it brings in a nice profit.

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The problem with alcohol is too easy to get hold of its everywhere unlike in the past where only pubs and off licenses were allowed to sell it . Its easy to get hooked on it too perhaps its time to prune back on shops selling alcohol easy said than done as shops want to sell it has it brings in a nice profit.


you are not a landlord/manager of a license house are you?

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It isn't as easy as that woodman.


This scum can get very violent when denied alcohol and the police don't do anything about them, they should be moved to a camp.


I witnessed the drunks who congregate outside Tesco on west street get refused alcohol on the basis of intoxication. The drunk attacked the person behind the till and them when thrown out by a black security guard, he spat at him and dropped the n bomb. I offered to nae a statement to the police and the manager said "there's no point, we call the police about them ever day and they just say there is nothing we can do.


The off licence on Wellington Street got ransacked and the employee asaulted when he refused people from the salvation army place alcohol.


These people need dealing with violently.


totally on the side of the police here but it seems their hands are tied . I was involved in a nasty incident recently on Devonshire green ( what a hole that area has become) but knew that that to involve the cops would be a waste of time ( the feral scum had left pretty sharpish ) . sorry to sound old fashioned but I would love to see a return of someone like Percy Sillitoe ( old time gangbuster )

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It is true that there are way to many outlets serving alcohol to street drinkers and drunks.


You only have to look at West Street there are at least 2 24 hour outlets within a few hundred yards selling cheap alcohol and a quick look in the window reveals they mainly sell the really strong stuff.


While I have no doubt that alcoholics will always find a way to get a drink I think places like this make the problem worse by selling the stronger drinks cheaply and they DO serve drunks I have been in The Cavendish and seen street drinkers get served in the one opposite when they are clearly intoxicated.


I agree for what ever reason the police don't seem interested.

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If you drive a taxi as your name suggests, have you noticed they are all there at busy times, but come 2am, 3am, they're all gone?


sorry mate , not a taxi driver but I know you are . good luck dodging the scum but if you were to accidentally clip a few on your nights out it would do the city a favour :thumbsup:

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sorry mate , not a taxi driver but I know you are . good luck dodging the scum but if you were to accidentally clip a few on your nights out it would do the city a favour :thumbsup:


Well I don't like that there are so many of these people around, and until Sheffield tidied itself up, they weren't there. They aren't Sheffielders most of them. They come here to take money off gullible southern students in my experience, and because Sheffield (rightly) looks after people. The downside is that it encourages people to come from other cities.


However, I don't plan on clipping any of them! They have their reasons (i.e. above) and their problems.


If I could record my driving which isn't currently allowed, then I could show you several videos of them deliberately 'walking into my taxi', and other cars too.

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