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Conservatives in opposition in Scotland

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It would appear that the Tories are set to become the opposition in Scotland following the Hollyrood elections. They were beaten into second place by the SNP steamrolle. However they did take enough seats to prevent the SNP taking an overall majority and Nicola Sturgeon will have to work with the minor parties to hold sway.

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I've never really followed Scottish politics, but I know during the 2015 election campaign Sturgeon really did have it in for the Tories. Why have Labour done so poorly yesterday?


I think it is because folk didn't vote for them.

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I think it is because folk didn't vote for them.


That's odd.

It must mean that the Scottish people looked at either their record or their policies (or both) and realised that they're a bunch of muppets.

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I've never really followed Scottish politics, but I know during the 2015 election campaign Sturgeon really did have it in for the Tories. Why have Labour done so poorly yesterday?


I think the Labour brand is tainted. Scotland as a whole are still a country of the centre/left. This spin is good for the Tories though.

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good night for the Tories in Scotland. But not so in Wales, where they really rather unexpectedly did so well in the GE last year. They didn't make a single gain there.

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Maybe I've missed something, but holding your ground is usually considered rather good going for the party in national government for mid-term local elections.


Exactly. Incumbent parties always do badly in local elections, while political parties with new leaders typically do well. Corbyn has bucked this trend. There is now speak of ditching him after the Euro referendum.

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The SNP are now very much the first choice for progressives as well as nationalists in Scotland - a powerful combination. [The Greens are making progress - they came fourth, ahead of the LibDems, yesterday - but are still a small party with only 6 MSPs.] Labour didn't do themselves any favours by electing another Blairite as leader in Scotland.


I thought the tale was that a left wing leader like Corbyn shouting about scrapping nuclear weapons and nationalising everything was supposed to win back all the support of the Scottish left from the SNP. How's that going?


If Corbyn isn't picking up the left wing vote in Scotland, or taking seats from the Tories in England, just where are they going to win another 100 Westminster seats in order to win the 2020 election?

Edited by foxy lady
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