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Are Northern folk generally thick?

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And the shrill, high-pitched screeches that emanate from the gobs of the cast of Eastenders are a sign of intelligence?


The clue is in the 'East' Enders. People who live in Hampstead don't generally sound like Danny Dyer.

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I was hoovering the cat when I spotted this thread. Them people from up there in the south have got it wrong. We invented stainless steel teeth, pork scratchings, Wards, strikes, Graves Park, SCC, SYP, Jowett Javelin (google it), Sheffield Star :hihi:, and Rotherham. What's thick about that?

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The clue is in the 'East' Enders. People who live in Hampstead don't generally sound like Danny Dyer.


I'm not overly familiar with the Hampstead dialect, since anything south of Nottingham is "The South" to us simple Northern folk :)

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So what do we do now the coal and steel industry has been decimated?



Not much really, work in call centres I suppose.


Look at the mining villages, they still haven't recovered after a generation of their spades and pick axes being taken away from them. This doesn't indicate intelligence.

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Look at the mining villages, they still haven't recovered after a generation of their spades and pick axes being taken away from them. This doesn't indicate intelligence.


but the effigy they made of the Wicked Witch of the West was so lifelike and realistic, it could have been a prop in a horror film. So there's an untapped creative streak running through Goldthorpe.


Also, they burned the effigy after the horseback procession so, contrary to popular belief, they have discovered fire.

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Not much really, work in call centres I suppose.


Look at the mining villages, they still haven't recovered after a generation of their spades and pick axes being taken away from them. This doesn't indicate intelligence.


The only ones that still haven't recovered are the ones filled with lazy union wallers who think the world owes them a living and are still blaming Thatcher for a situation that happened nearly 30 years ago.


The rest of the world moved on and found other work.


For those that prefer to remain sat on their arse on tax payer handouts blaming the government, the bankers, the private sector, the yoof, charlie brown or anyone else they choose to pick on for thier own failures, quite frankly they deserve what they get.


Society changed. The population demanded cheaper and cheaper. British Industries were flabby, mismanaged, poor quality and poor productivity. The markets opened up beyond our precious island and we consumers lapped it up. Those poor hard done working class at the time didn't give a toss where these wonderful bargains and reliable foreign products suddenly were coming from.


Strikes stopped being a daily occurance, ultilties were reliable and plentiful and the shop shelves were bulging under the weight of our newly imported cheap foreign goods. We could not wait to get out shopping trollies and lap it up.


People make their own way in this world. You move with it or stagnate. Those who stagnate only have themselves to blame.


The North is certainly far from being "thick". Sheffield was (and to a point) still is a big player in the techonlogy and engineering sectors. Its legal and financial circles are growing and with cities like Leeds, Manchester and Liverpool having massive amounts of professional industries based there - there is far more to the "North" than any stereotype gives.


Just because London is the becon of all greatness and the south east corner has the big tag properties it does not necessarilly mean the rest of the South has any of the same kudos. Kent, Essex, Sussex, Devon, Cornwall, Gloucestershire, Bedfordshire, Norfolk, Suffolk could all be classed as "south" but many of them face the same stereotypical problems that northerners have.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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No we are not thick, we are smarter than average. My opinion, having lived in many parts of the UK and overseas.

The closer you are to London the more intelligent you "might appear to some" to be. Further away, well you know what's next.


The further away from the city, whose "Streets are paved with gold," opportunities lessen, access to power and wealth lessens and it used to be that education levels diminished. Accents change going north, and people in the south have a little difficulty with the words for 5 minutes. A thick accent, and "Country bumpkins" they may say ?


Many or most Head Offices were in London so those of us in the regions were given "Branch" employment. A long way from the corridors of power.

Yes after a while, say 200 years, we might have begun to believe that we were in 2nd or 3 rd place.

But none of this is true. We are as smart, intellectual capacity wise, as anyone in London or south of it. Almost everything is opportunity and circumstance !

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