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The Rich get richer, much richer1

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If he has any sense (and he probably does) he will try to pay tax in a country with a less punitive tax rate than this country.


Yes, that is common sense, everyone should do it. But then what would happen to the tax revenue, its rather unfair that people earning less than £11k and the rich can get away without paying tax.


His companies are in tax havens, but I cannot find out anything about him

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It is remarkable how people leap to the defence of a man who enjoyed an income last year of nearly £70 million and the year before a meagre £43 million, but not a word in relation to the bleak future faced by 5,000 care homes and their elderly and frail residents.


The annual salary of a care worker in any one of those homes is less than one hour of Sorrell's income. Surely that is a staggering fact?


Untold wealth for the rich, a very bleak future for ordinary people. That is the inevitable consequence of neoliberal austerity policy.

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It is remarkable how people leap to the defence of a man who enjoyed an income last year of nearly £70 million and the year before a meagre £43 million, but not a word in relation to the bleak future faced by 5,000 care homes and their elderly and frail residents.


The two are totally unrelated that's why. Unless you want to compare a man who's obviously been a success, with care homes run by bad management that can't keep them running even when they have a growing market to operate in and they charge ever increasing amounts. Do you know any poor care home owners? No, neither do I.

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It is remarkable how people leap to the defence of a man who enjoyed an income last year of nearly £70 million and the year before a meagre £43 million, but not a word in relation to the bleak future faced by 5,000 care homes and their elderly and frail residents.


The annual salary of a care worker in any one of those homes is less than one hour of Sorrell's income. Surely that is a staggering fact?


Untold wealth for the rich, a very bleak future for ordinary people. That is the inevitable consequence of neoliberal austerity policy.


What a load of horse crap. Since when is the salary of an advertising chief connected to poor low paid care home workers. What the hell has it got to do with him. When is it their responsibility to give their earnings away.


Last year my partnership payment was 17x the income of a care worker, road sweeper or hospital porter. Should I suddenly be guilt tripped into handing my money out to those who earn less than me.


Sorrell is a former Director and now Group Chief Executive of an extremely successful global brand. It has made huge profits and has international success. Why the hell shouldn't he receive a good package.


As an contracted employee receiving salary and bonus payments he would be liable to up to 33 million in tax deductions from that salary package.


How many ordinary folk pay that sort of money eh? How care workers and care homes does 33 million pay for eh?


Perhaps next time Sorrell and thousands of other businessmen like him shouldn't bother. Stop trying so hard. Stop making so much profit.


That would be great for the economy and company employees wouldn't it.

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Such strident tones from the supporters of extreme wealth is no surprise, but ask yourself whether an advertising executive or a care home worker is more important to you?


And perhaps we should wonder whether Mr Sorrell has any personal tax arrangements that reduce his contributions to HM Revenue and Customs?


The supporters of neoliberalism work hard to confuse and distract, for example by suggesting that there is no link between tax avoidance and cuts to essential services. Don't be fooled.

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You got proof that Sorrell has avoided tax??


A care home worker does an important but low skilled job which benefits a small group of people. Its a job that can be done by many others and is easily recruited for at the drop of a hat. A full time care home worker contributes £896.00 into the public pot.


Sorrell risked £460,000 of his own money to invest into a business which at the last count now has revenues of 11.5 billion pounds and provides employment to 194,000 people. That company will pay UK tax on its UK operations, those employees will pay tax and from Sorrell's own £70m package he will personally contribute up to 33 million pounds into the public purse.


The company is listed on the stock exchange and currently has a very healthy share price of 1601.00. Those shares will no doubt be used as part of the pension funds of many of us ordinary folk and will contribute even more tax into the public purse.


You seriously asking who is more important?


---------- Post added 08-05-2016 at 13:57 ----------


Why don't you use that lump that's inside your skull and actually attack people who don't contribute to society.


How about attacking the government who chose to sell off care home services in the first place?


How about attacking some of the multi-millionaire care home company bosses who have been recently exposed of catastrophic failures in management, care provision and financial conduct?


How about attacking the real and proven tax dodgers who ship all their wealth offshore or don't declare any profit at all?


How about attacking the overpaid, talentless, ego-filled airhead celebrities for earning vast amounts of wealth for appearing in gaudy reality shows, giving interviews about their lives to gaudy magazines and being paid for being famous for just being famous.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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How about attacking the government who chose to sell off care home services in the first place?


How about attacking some of the multi-millionaire care home company bosses who have been recently exposed of catastrophic failures in management, care provision and financial conduct?


How about attacking the real and proven tax dodgers who ship all their wealth offshore or don't declare any profit at all?


How about attacking the overpaid, talentless, ego-filled airhead celebrities for earning vast amounts of wealth for appearing in gaudy reality shows, giving interviews about their lives to gaudy magazines and being paid for being famous for just being famous.


Well said ECCOnoob! I couldn't agree more. These aspects are further cynical manifestations of a society that has been systematically derailed by a destructive economic policy for many decades.

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So why aren't you attacking them then!


Why are you going for a very successful businessman who has created massive employment opportunities and contributed more tax to the public purse than most others would pay in their entire lives.


Why are you attacking Sorrell? Why are you having a go at people like me for "defending" Sorrell despite the fact he has done nothing which deserves your criticism.



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