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The Rich get richer, much richer1

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State spending does not equal socialism.


And what do you mean by zero socialism?


And aren't you just lazily using socialism as a bucket term for things you don't like? Looks like it.



I like universal healthcare. I like universal education.

I like state funded justice. I like the state pension.

There are plenty of other socialist things I like.


In fact I like almost all the things that socialists want the state to do for the people.

I just recognise that over-taxation and/or heavy state borrowing do more harm than doing without some of those things.

Edited by unbeliever
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SOME is the operative word.


Over 66 per cent still did support it by the looks of it


Not sure what's newsworthy


PS: I would like to know what makes you think that getting your company's share price to rocket and confirmed profits to "well above budget" is not earning your keep. What the hell was he supposed to do? You run a business. You are there to make money. Looks like he has done just that.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Norway will be in trouble once they've spent their oil money.


They own about 1% of all the world's shares. That's not 1% of the shares in oil companies, it's shares in total. 1% of the whole world stock market! Not bad for 5m people. Their wealth is truly immense. When the oil runs out Norway will be ok for quite a long while.


---------- Post added 08-06-2016 at 23:53 ----------


Well, come 2020 (if corbyn is still in charge) we'll find out if the country wants a high taxation socialist utopia. I suspect it won't.


That long til the next election? We might end up with one before the US does.

Edited by Shef1985
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I would like to know what makes you think that getting your company's share price to rocket and confirmed profits to "well above budget" is not earning your keep. What the hell was he supposed to do? You run a business. You are there to make money. Looks like he has done just that.


Share price rises have no meaning in the real economy. It is important to recognise that business owners and CEOs focus on share value and only interest themselves in the value of those shares, and that they have control over their businesses and share options which employees do not have. This is an injustice, but it is obscured by neoliberal doctrine. Owners and CEOs enjoy the revenue that their employees produce simply because they can, not because they work a hundred or a thousand times harder than nurses or careworkers or their own employees, and they do this by skimming unearned profit via their share options.


Sorrell also engages in hostile takeovers, bringing other operations into his empire – but contrary to the myth of the noble captain of industry and job creator, the takeover means job losses as perfectly profitable companies are gutted in order to divert the earned income of their staff into unearned income for the new owner.

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Pay has never been and isn't supposed to be related to how "hard" you work.


I'm paid a lot more than someone digging holes for a living, they work a damn site harder than I do.


Thanks to Cyclone for revealing this aspect of neoliberalism! Cyclone admirably demonstrates the myth that those so-called captains of industry somehow deserve their remuneration.


It is also the case that the political class lies when they state that people in work are somehow hard working in order to imply that those who are without work are somehow not hard working. Care workers certainly work very hard for their low wages. Yet they are facing an uncertain future as the care sector begins to fail. Just like the unfortunate BHS employees who face unemployment, we must be sure not to label care workers or anyone else made redundant as shirkers and scroungers simply because the political class and their friends who control business are cynical, exploitative and incompetent or even corrupt, leaving ordinary people without a livelihood, without work.

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Can you explain why leaving will make the rich even richer?


I'm not certain but I think he is suggesting vote out is a hardline Tory idea and UKIP is founded by and continues to have hard line ex-Tory politicians.


Basically Tories are for the rich.


A vote out is the nod for hardline self interested Tories to get power.


The rich might not get richer but you can be sure the rich will protect themselves better and the hardline Tories will help them do it.


So, whilst simplistic it is certainly not reductio ad absurdum.

Edited by Shef1985
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