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The Rich get richer, much richer1

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So basically, you want to disincentivise hime so he doesn't bother to work harder, employ more people and pay more tax? It makes no sense. Apart from envy. Only envy can be the driving force behind your comments.

Of course it's "not fair". Life isn't fair. It's not fair that he so clever and some people aren't. It's not fair that someone is better-looking than someone else. It's not fair that Jamie Vardy is brilliant. It's not foar that Leicester won the league. It would be more fair if there was no competition in the football league and everyone was awarded the same number of points. And all footballers earned the same amount.


You're right life isn't fair, but aren't we at an advanced enough stage where we can look at the impact of gross inequality & realise that, if research is to be believed, it's harming us all.

Edited by Mister M
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So basically, you want to disincentivise hime so he doesn't bother to work harder, employ more people and pay more tax? It makes no sense. Apart from envy. Only envy can be the driving force behind your comments.


No it isn't


For someone like you perhaps


Who is only wrapped up in self


For ME, it is about the collective


Of course it's "not fair". Life isn't fair. It's not fair that he so clever and some people aren't


Explain how he is 'clever'?


What does he actually DO?


It's not fair that someone is better-looking than someone else


You can do stuff about that!


Lose weight, get a haircut


Take responsibility :nod:


---------- Post added 10-05-2016 at 12:34 ----------


You're right life isn't fair, but aren't we at an advanced enough stage where we can look at the impact of gross inequality & realise that, if research is to be believed, it's harming us all.


Such a relief to hear some sanity :love:

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No it isn't


For someone like you perhaps


Who is only wrapped up in self


For ME, it is about the collective

easy to advocate sharing out or going for the collective when you have much to gain and others do the losing





You can do stuff about that!


Lose weight, get a haircut


Take responsibility :nod:


ok, yep.

So retrain, take risks, work long hours, put fun and relationships second and you too can reap financial gain.

Take responsibility

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It is fascinating to notice how any statement that exposes the failings of neoliberalism are distorted and confused by those who support the Conservative policy of austerity. Note how they become peevish or abusive when their quibbles and distractions fail to draw a thread into arcane complexity, when they fail to muddy the waters with their claims.


The facts are stark, the rich are getting richer, much richer, and ordinary people are losing their services, essential services such as health care and community care. People with disabilities face ever larger cuts to services, and now care homes for the elderly are under significant threat.


We must resist the 'distract agenda' that is so apparent in this thread and focus on the vast injustices of an economic policy which rewards care workers with low pay and harsh terms and conditions whilst the champions of neoliberalism scoff and sneer as they pocket untold millions.


Simply not true is it.

The gini coefficient is stable. Sorry, but the facts just don't agree with you.


And BTW - I'm not a supporter of austerity or the conservatives in general.


---------- Post added 10-05-2016 at 12:48 ----------



Because ANYONE can afford to go to Cambridge :|


Do you even understand how the UK university admissions process works?


---------- Post added 10-05-2016 at 12:50 ----------


I just don't see the link between the two.

the rich are getting richer? - true

people are losing their services? true

why link them in the same paragraph as if one causes the other?


Example ... lets say I make my wealth with a new invention. What has that to do with austerity and/or loss of services? Unless of course you feel I should take a maximum of £25k p.a. and throw the rest at public services ... which I'm not gonna do because first, to make my invention I've probably taken a massive financial gamble to put my home up as collateral and secondly, I've probably had a crap family life/social life to put the hours in. And that is the thing you miss, that in most cases financial reward follows risk and effort. If I'm gonna be happy with £25k, then why bother, I'll stick to the 9-5 pressureless workday and let my manager have the hassle. but hang on ... he's not going to do that either for £25k.

In short, there has to be reward and incentive for things to happen. Even if you go back to stone age, the big guy who corners and kills the bear will have the biggest bits of meat.


he did this in the OP. With his "meanwhile" as if this guy making 65million and probably paying 20 million in tax means that carehomes are being closed.... Somehow if he was paid less then carehomes would stay open (in the OPs mind).


---------- Post added 10-05-2016 at 12:52 ----------


You're right life isn't fair, but aren't we at an advanced enough stage where we can look at the impact of gross inequality & realise that, if research is to be believed, it's harming us all.


It's this sort of reasoning that sees schools discouraged from competitive games because we don't want any child to have suffer losing...

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I went to sixth form with someone who did. He came from a single parent family on a housing estate. That chip on your shoulder is obscuring your vision.


Was that in the 1960's? :hihi:


---------- Post added 10-05-2016 at 14:06 ----------


Do you even understand how the UK university admissions process works?




Do you?


What percentage are admisions from private sector schools?

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easy to advocate sharing out or going for the collective when you have much to gain and others do the losing


Say whut now


Who's doing the losing? One man? Boo effin hoo


ok, yep. So retrain, take risks, work long hours, put fun and relationships second and you too can reap financial gain. Take responsibility


Because THAT's what Martin Sorrell did


PahahaahaHAAAAAAA!!!! :hihi:

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