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The Rich get richer, much richer1

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What has that got to do with anything?




If the 'common man' is not making it into these institutions


Whilst generation upon generation of Sorrell's do


Does that not tell you something?


Of how wealth is retained within ever decreasing circles?


Sheesh! :rolleyes:


---------- Post added 10-05-2016 at 14:12 ----------


How about we take 90% of your income and share it out amongst the poorer people of the world?


I pretty much do that myself already :rolleyes:


---------- Post added 10-05-2016 at 14:13 ----------


62% came from state schools if that's any help. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-32922699


Because of concerted weighted admissions

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If the 'common man' is not making it into these institutions


Whilst generation upon generation of Sorrell's do


Does that not tell you something?


Of how wealth is retained within ever decreasing circles?


Sheesh! :rolleyes:


How do you think Sorrell got his start in life, and why did you not get the same?

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If the 'common man' is not making it into these institutions


Whilst generation upon generation of Sorrell's do


Does that not tell you something?


Of how wealth is retained within ever decreasing circles?


Sheesh! :rolleyes:



We've been talking for a while now and I have no idea what you're proposing.


The state spends about £5600 per pupil on schooling. If somebody goes into their own pocket and spends £10k or £20k, no doubt they're increasing their kids' education quality. Of course if they can afford that, they're also paying enough taxes to fund the state education of a whole bunch of other peoples' kids.


What are you suggesting should be done about this?

If you increase taxes in such a way as you reduce long term revenue and/or growth then you in fact get less money to spend on schools and such.


I suggest that you're actually complaining to the gods that they made somebody so much more productive than you that you feel cheated in some way.

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Just to be clear


I don't believe that ANYONE is worth a 68.5 million salary


Whatever you choose to project from that, I leave with you :)


Thank you


And goodbye :wave:


(I was meant to leave an hour ago!!!! :rant:)

Bye, it's been lovely.


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Martin Sorrell's parents were Jewish immigrants either just before or during WW2 (Sorrell himself was born in 1945). His father had a good head for business and by the 1960s was running a chain of electrical stores nationwide.


I'm interested to know if posters like Solomon consider Sorrell's parents escaping persecution in the Ukraine and making a new life in the UK a good thing, as long as they didn't make any money or become successful.

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I am a former business owner, although I did not make the astronomical amounts that Sorrel and others have I have done ok. I also support the Conservative party although I am not a member.


My concern is the growing alienation between the rich and the poor. I believe Sorrel is a bad example to use as most of his money is earned abroad. Comparing and contrasting him with a care home in the UK is unfair and pointless.


Globalization is leading to these weird and wild differences with an apparent arrogance from those on the top of the tree and resentment from the bottom up. Aspiration and ambition appear stifled unless you fit the acceptable profile of the elite.


This is not sustainable, unless there is fairness and a more equitable sharing of wealth inevitably the pot will boil over. I fear we are closer to boiling point than we realize. The arrogance and stupidity that caused the banking crisis has not been properly addressed, people see another elite rising and they do not like what they see.


This is not based on envy, it is based on a perception that people like Sorrel are not worth what they receive and that others, not necessarily themselves, are suffering.


Buffett and Gates have shown that great wealth can achieve great things, they are funding huge initiatives to eradicate diseases and other good works for the benefit of mankind. Those who hoard like Philip Green (BHS), rob pension funds, fiddle figures lie cheat and steal will incite the wrath, sooner or later, of the common man. It has happened before, it will happen again.


Remember, I am a Tory. I believe in one nation, where anyone can rise as long as he holds no one else back.

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