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The Rich get richer, much richer1

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Thanks for the input; unlike the OP you guys are capable of discussion..


It still begs the question though, if the top earners pay was limited to a maximum amount as the OP wants, how would it keep homes open? If we need more tax payer money to indirectly fund homes via state paid care, reducing the tax receipts isn't going to help is it?


We have a consumer and housing lead economy; which is good for the rich house/land owners, and those that make consumer goods, which is not the average man/woman in the street.

Perhaps if we created a society around the family, instead of possessions?

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Don't ask him questions! He'll just class you as a neo liberal zoom dweebie and ignore you, as you present alternative real world viewpoints that he can't answer and you wouldn't be allowed to ask in his totalitarian utopia where the state owns you.


the_bloke is absolutely right to raise concerns about Utopia. For all Karl Marx's brilliance as an economic historian, his political programme was steeped in blood.


And tyrannies such as the Soviet Union, Hitler's Thousand Year Reich and the disgusting and genocidal 'final solution', Kim Jong-un's appalling regime in North Korea and through to the Western neoliberal project, all represent Utopian thinking, and all must be firmly and absolutely resisted.


Margaret Thatcher was a true believer (in neoliberal doctrine), Tony Blair was a true believer (in neoconservatism, a more subtle partner of the neoliberal project). I don't think Cameron or Osborne are true believers, they are both too cynical for that. Nevertheless they have both recognised the utility of neoliberalism and appreciated that it is very effective at delivering ever greater reward to the few.

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10/10 for perseverance, but I don't reckon were going to get an answer


It really is worth observing how the supporters of neoliberalism will misrepresent, traduce, deflect, distract, bluster and otherwise seek to muddy the waters in response to any statement that reveals or criticises neoliberal doctrine or practice.


Now I don't mind repeating my argument at all for all to read:


Essentially I am pointing to the gross disparity between the income of Martin Sorrell, in the press over the last few weeks for his £68,5million remuneration package for a single year, whilst simultaneously thousands of ordinary people face poverty and extreme hardship as the care sector sinks into crisis.


These factors clearly demonstrate the phenomenon that forms the title of my original post, that 'the rich get richer whilst' (as implied) 'the poor get poorer.'


Those who seek to distract us from appreciating these implications simply will not engage with the theme because the evidence is against them. All they can do is attempt to wrench the argument away from such firm foundations and sink it in a mire of confusion and misrepresentation.

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Now I don't mind repeating my argument at all for all to read:


Essentially I am pointing to the gross disparity between the income of Martin Sorrell, in the press over the last few weeks for his £68,5million remuneration package for a single year, whilst simultaneously thousands of ordinary people face poverty and extreme hardship as the care sector sinks into crisis.


These factors clearly demonstrate the phenomenon that forms the title of my original post, that 'the rich get richer whilst' (as implied) 'the poor get poorer.'


Those who seek to distract us from appreciating these implications simply will not engage with the theme because the evidence is against them. All they can do is attempt to wrench the argument away from such firm foundations and sink it in a mire of confusion and misrepresentation.


Totally agree with thee :thumbsup:


It's ain't rocket science!


And something drastic needs to change :mad:

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