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The Rich get richer, much richer1

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That 95% could have my 'wealth' - it won't go very far. Warren Buffet's $47bn will stretch a lot further - what do you think Warren *does* with it all?


Whatever he bloody well likes - and why not ? Cos it aint fair? Life isn't fair get over it

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95% of the world has less money than you (since you appear to live in the UK have a place to live and a computer and internet I think that's be true).


What are you going to do when they demand that your wealth is given to them then? Just hand it over or point out you perhaps did work for it....


---------- Post added 17-05-2016 at 21:23 ----------



Really? Where?


I mean wheres it going?


Wheres the big pile of assets that are no longer being used?

The Tories are buying up what has been sold off on the cheap, the profits are then stashed in off shore accounts, they are even selling off The Land Registry, why in the name of god sell that.? ....so the Tories can make some money out of it

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Really? Where?


I mean wheres it going?


Wheres the big pile of assets that are no longer being used?


I dont think he means to another country. Just assets that are owned by the state, being sold off for short term gain. They wanted to sell our Forrests, the Land Registry, and more.



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What do you think Warren lacks?


Pass - can I spend what I have earned on whatever I want ?


If I want to stand at the end of my garden setting fire to £10 notes please tell me why I can't do that?


Why can't he ?

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The Tories are buying up what has been sold off on the cheap, the profits are then stashed in off shore accounts, they are even selling off The Land Registry, why in the name of god sell that.? ....so the Tories can make some money out of it


What's been sold off on the cheap? And who has stashed the profits away? If it's been sold off on the cheap there can't be profits and if the government has sold it, the money is going on schools and hospitals and stuff like that - not some off shore account (accessed by who?).


If you are claiming the latter and have the slightest bit of proof that's HUGE. I don't think you have though.

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What's been sold off on the cheap? And who has stashed the profits away? If it's been sold off on the cheap there can't be profits and if the government has sold it, the money is going on schools and hospitals and stuff like that - not some off shore account (accessed by who?).


If you are claiming the latter and have the slightest bit of proof that's HUGE. I don't think you have though.

the post office from the top of my head...

and the profits that the new owners make is being stashed in off shore accounts

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During a recession and state debt crisis. You do surprise me.

Look at the long term trend.


Don't think I didn't notice that you failed to answer the question.





Not by working harder alone, but by acquiring more valuable skills.


The recession and debt crisis does not seem to have affected the seriously rich, only the poor, that's the point. We were all in it together according to your friend David, but tat's not been strictly true has it..?

The long term trend is frankly irrelevent, as the riches that have come to the top 1% are so great as to have skewed the figures upwards, but this is far from the experience of the majority.


You may think you are better off, until perhaps, you come to realise the drugs you need for some future illness are no longer available on the NHS, and are prohibitively expensive because some hedge fund manager has managed to buy up the entire supply and is holding the world to ransom. You may think you're better off until you are made redundant in your late fifties and can't get a job or benefits and have to live on your savings until they are all gone. Or when you feel fit to drop but realise you have another 5 or 6 years of work ahead of you before you can retire on a pittance of a pension. Or when you have to sell everything you own, and have worked for all your life, to rent a tiny room and be neglected in a sub standard care home... You could be one accident/illness away from disaster.


As for your last sentence - Oh please.... The seriously rich don't work at all, never mind aquire new skills. They sit back and watch as their money breeds more money with the help of dodgy investment deals and some very dubious accounting. Do you actually realise just how wealthy some of the wealthiest people are? The Rockerfellers and the Rothschilds, and a the Russian Oligarchs who raped their country of its public assets?


Your future is being eroded as we speak and will continue to be so until you realise and do something about it.

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