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The Rich get richer, much richer1

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I'll let you into a dirty secret - I have a relative who earns loads of money. He continues to do this because he has no idea what else to do with his time. No-one ever knows what to get him for birthdays and Christmas because he has no interests. He goes to work to get loads of money simply because he lacks the imagination to do anything else. Maybe one day we'll discover the gene that makes people like that.


That's a big difference to "loving what you do" as well. Maybe he fears his life would be a huge uncontrollable party with drugs and hookers and he'd blow it all in year and end up a wreck if he cut loose?

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I thought you said he didn't lack for anything? Anyway, I have no legal right to prevent him or anyone else amassing huge wealth, I just want someone to explain why someone being able to light their farts with $100 bills is preferable to the world's population being able to afford to feed their kids and send them to school. Perhaps you can explain that to me, I may be missing something.


Who said it was preferable ? He earns vast amounts of money doing what he is rather good at - do you want him to finance the education of all the impoverished ?


We do not live in a fair world and many are destined to be poor or ill educated as a consequence of where and to who they are born.


Why don't you suggest a solution rather than moaning about the unfairness of it all - a solution that would appeal to the likes of Buffett would be a start

Bill Gates is spectacularly wealthy and he's been criticised for giving too much away and him the wrong direction

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Professor Dorling does not agree.


In his Beveridge Memorial Lecture to The Royal Statistical Society, Sheffield University's Danny Dorling says the richest one per cent of people in the UK take home fifteen per cent of all income, compared to 6% in 1979. Perhaps you attended the event?




You make it sound as though there is a fixed amount of income to be shared out? That's not how it is. The richest TEND to be the smartest and most entrepreneurial. Creating jobs and wealth throughout the economy. They are the ones who are going to take a share in line with their worth, whilst increasing the wealth of the poorest.

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You make it sound as though there is a fixed amount of income to be shared out? That's not how it is. The richest TEND to be the smartest and most entrepreneurial. Creating jobs and wealth throughout the economy. They are the ones who are going to take a share in line with their worth, whilst increasing the wealth of the poorest.


Many of the richest people inherit wealth. As far as i know that doesn't take much brains. Others have excellent contacts, (is Samantha Cameron really worth £500,000 a year for a part time job as 'creative director' of Smythson, -'I can do that. Gi us a job..') And others are out and out crooks, but with impeccable connections, so nobody can touch them.

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Many of the richest people inherit wealth. As far as i know that doesn't take much brains. Others have excellent contacts, (is Samantha Cameron really worth £500,000 a year for a part time job as 'creative director' of Smythson, -'I can do that. Gi us a job..') And others are out and out crooks, but with impeccable connections, so nobody can touch them.


My children will inherit whatever I leave ? And ?


i don't decide how much Sam Cam is to be paid - the people who employ her do and if they want to pay her that isn't that a commercial decision for them? If you can do the same job for less send them your cv


I am quite happy to agree that there are plenty of crooks about - And?

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Were you deliberately trying to equate me having more than 95% of the world's population (true, as far as I know) with me having 95% of the world's wealth? Or just deflect from the discussion about the super-rich.


That 95% could have my 'wealth' - it won't go very far. Warren Buffet's $47bn will stretch a lot further - what do you think Warren *does* with it all?


well since he's pledged to give away 99% of it to charity - and appears to be doing so the answer is easy to come by.


---------- Post added 17-05-2016 at 23:12 ----------


The Tories are buying up what has been sold off on the cheap, the profits are then stashed in off shore accounts, they are even selling off The Land Registry, why in the name of god sell that.? ....so the Tories can make some money out of it


They personally own it?


Oh silly me. You got confused with the Govt selling it - not the Tories. The moeny raised goes into filling the yawning pit in the accounts that was dug by Labour.

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They personally own it?


Oh silly me. You got confused with the Govt selling it - not the Tories. The moeny raised goes into filling the yawning pit in the accounts that was dug by Labour.


You seem to forget Margaret Thatcher started selling off the family silver (Remember to tell Sid,) long before there was any yawning pit to be filled...

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You seem to forget Margaret Thatcher started selling off the family silver (Remember to tell Sid,) long before there was any yawning pit to be filled...


Really? Remind me what happened in the winter of 1979 again?


That aside, there were other valid reasons for the sell off as I'm sure you know. But as usual you won't listen due to your ideological blinkers.

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Really? Remind me what happened in the winter of 1979 again?


That aside, there were other valid reasons for the sell off as I'm sure you know. But as usual you won't listen due to your ideological blinkers.


What reasons would those be? Do tell...

And while your at it, perhaps you could tell us what she did with the money?

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