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The Rich get richer, much richer1

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This is not helping me dude!! :)


How do'u know that price o petrol ain't goin up?????


Or not up to 140 at any road????


Market analyst say it won't go up that high this year.

Obviously it has to go up eventually.


---------- Post added 17-06-2016 at 00:40 ----------


I also asked you to respond to post #448, but you didn't.


My response is we are better off at any time post 2007. And better off at many points previous to that. There was 20% interest in late 1970s and late 1980s.


Wages are recovering, interest rates are low and income tax is low. Not all thanks to the conservatives I should add.


---------- Post added 17-06-2016 at 00:42 ----------


Oh and fuel is low relative to wages.

The 40p differential is pertinent as I know many long mile drivers are saving a packet. That's money in the hand.

Your shadow tax argument making everyone poor is drivel.

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So you're going to ignore the data I provided to you then? That shows real income falling from 2009.


Do you even know know how much fuel costs today? There is no 40p differential. Fuel has never cost 40p more than today, why do you persist in this nonsense. At best it's 30p cheaper today than at it's peak. But other things cost more, that's what CPI measures, the overall level of inflation, and it's low, but it's not negative.

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This graph shows its not far off for diesel. In fact as recently as February it was 101ppl and previously at a high of 148ppl. It's about 109 at the moment iirc so 39 ppl difference.


It's also entirely irrelevant, I'm sure we could pick the price of something else that has gone up, it still wouldn't matter.

If we want to consider the cost of buying things, then CPI is the index to look at, and it's running at what, 0.3%/annum, a small increase in overall prices, this is after taking into account the fall in price of fuel and the increase in price of other things.


The cost of living is NOT falling.

Real take home income is not increasing.


---------- Post added 17-06-2016 at 10:22 ----------




Scroll down to figure 2. See how gross income started to fall after 2009.


---------- Post added 13-06-2016 at 13:05 ----------


And here, the ONS analysis




retired households now slightly better off than before the 07-09 crash.

working households still worse off than before the crash.


Overall, the average is just about level with the pre crash figures.

Edited by Cyclone
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This graph shows its not far off for diesel. In fact as recently as February it was 101ppl and previously at a high of 148ppl. It's about 109 at the moment iirc so 39 ppl difference.


Thanks Ron.Talk some sense into him will you?


---------- Post added 17-06-2016 at 11:15 ----------


Know for a fact, typical mondeo man is better off. He has more money in his pocket for his family and better earning potential.

Post gfc.


We could argue the poor and welfare claimants are worse off as all that stuffs been frozen.


---------- Post added 17-06-2016 at 11:19 ----------


It's also entirely irrelevant, I'm sure we could pick the price of something else that has gone up, it still wouldn't matter.

If we want to consider the cost of buying things, then CPI is the index to look at, and it's running at what, 0.3%/annum, a small increase in overall prices, this is after taking into account the fall in price of fuel and the increase in price of other things.


The cost of living is NOT falling.

Real take home income is not increasing.


---------- Post added 17-06-2016 at 10:22 ----------




Scroll down to figure 2. See how gross income started to fall after 2009.


---------- Post added 13-06-2016 at 13:05 ----------


And here, the ONS analysis




retired households now slightly better off than before the 07-09 crash.

working households still worse off than before the crash.


Overall, the average is just about level with the pre crash figures.


The cost of living is falling. Food in the supermarket is as cheap as its ever been or feels like it.

More money in my pocket anyway. You were talking about moving to Vancouver the other day cyclone, you can't be hard up.

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