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Should Sadiq Khan resign as London Mayor ?

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No one has any hope of getting Labour elected, pretty much ever again, unless or until the SNP fall out of favour in Scotland. It's the most poisoned of poison chalices.


Without their Scottish MPs Labour would need to win more seats in England and Wales than even Tony Blair managed. The very best they can hope for in 2020 is a coalition with the SNP, a prospect which saw them thoroughly rejected in England last time around.


The other possibility is a Tory implosion post-EU referendum. If they tear themselves apart then Labour could field Keith Harris and Orville as joint leaders and win.


Lots of water still to flow under the bridge

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The other possibility is a Tory implosion post-EU referendum. If they tear themselves apart then Labour could field Keith Harris and Orville as joint leaders and win.


Lots of water still to flow under the bridge


Don't think that would work, Keith Harris died in April 2015.

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The other possibility is a Tory implosion post-EU referendum. If they tear themselves apart then Labour could field Keith Harris and Orville as joint leaders and win.


Lots of water still to flow under the bridge


They still wouldn't win enough seats even then. Its not a 2 party system any more. Tory vote would go to UKIP as well. Remember all the divisions and sleaze under Major and Blair's landslide? In 1997 Labour won 418 seats to Tories 165 with Lib Dems on 46. That was a Labour gain of 145. A similar result would need Labour to win safe seats like Fulham and Chelsea with majorities of around 15000. Never going to happen, and even more never under Corbyn.

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No one has any hope of getting Labour elected, pretty much ever again, unless or until the SNP fall out of favour in Scotland. It's the most poisoned of poison chalices.


Without their Scottish MPs Labour would need to win more seats in England and Wales than even Tony Blair managed. The very best they can hope for in 2020 is a coalition with the SNP, a prospect which saw them thoroughly rejected in England last time around.


it might not be that bad, labour needs to put together a sensible, mildly left of centre broadly centrist manifesto which appeals to the sort of people which new labour initially did. such a manifesto could be sold to the people of scotland on the basis that only labour could implement it and so even though people voted for the snp in scotland they could and should vote labour in the general election.

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it might not be that bad, labour needs to put together a sensible, mildly left of centre broadly centrist manifesto which appeals to the sort of people which new labour initially did. such a manifesto could be sold to the people of scotland on the basis that only labour could implement it and so even though people voted for the snp in scotland they could and should vote labour in the general election.


Who said it was bad?

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He doesn't seem to have got off to a good start. London buses are going to take ads praising Allah a short time after the Lords Prayer ad in cinemas was not allowed.


Probably not his fault but a little ironic...


Nice cheap shot.


Oh well, may be the fact a MUSLIM won this years Premierleague PFA, A MUSLIM baked the Queen's cake, a MUSLIM became president of the NUS and a MUSLIM became Mayor of London...has got you all stressed out.


Oh yeah, we Muslims just don't integrate:hihi::hihi:

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