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SF members who have been to USA

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I just asked one of my American friends to confirm this (since i haven't been to America), and for once ol Wikipedia is actually right for once XD




"It consists of soft dough biscuits covered in either sawmill or sausage gravy, made from the drippings of cooked pork sausage, white flour, milk, and often (but not always) bits of sausage, bacon, ground beef, or other meat. The gravy is often flavored with black pepper."

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When we were in the U.S. and went to KFC we ordered a bargain bucket and were asked "Do you want biscuits or mashed potatoes with that?" She looked at me gone out when I asked for fries, that wasn't an option. We opted for mashed potatoes and gravy, and I discovered the Biscuits were like a cheese scone.

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it's like a doughy savoury scone thing.


Not very nice. In the 80s KFCs in the UK sold them.


If you really want to plumb the depths of depravity for all breakfast items, you need to try the horror that is grits.....

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The USA is a very large country and it has many regional food dishes, just like here. Even the major chains tailor their offerings to suite the local taste, I spend about 8 weeks a year over there and very rarely eat in chain restaurants preferring the local ones. Don't get me going about grits.

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