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Help with Tax Credit problem.

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Does anyone know where or who can help with a tax credit problem. My friends daughter has had letters last year saying she owes them several thousand pounds although when her circumstances changed they didn't pay her anything for several months. They are now stopping money every week from her tax credits to pay the so called overpayment. She can't get any explanation from them just that she owes them money. She insists she doesn't and that it's them that owe her money. She has a young son and is finding things hard enough as it is. She works but not sure how many hours. I don't have many details I'm afraid just what I have stated. I just wondered if there is anywhere she can go to get help sorting it out she lives in S6.

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Sorry to hear about your problems. Your daughter needs to make a record of every phone call and letter written to them and take copies of everything.


Do persist with them though. They do often get it wrong and then don't like to put it right.


I would recommend she contact the Zest Centre at Upperthorpe to see if they still run advice sessions, or if they can recommend somewhere. It's not easy as most of the advice centres have closed due to government funding cuts.

Edited by Lex Luthor
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Citizen advice can help.

But I would try HMRC first, my experience with them is quite positive.

As long as you know what you want and what to ask about you can get most informations over phone.

Most likely can be sorted in one day.

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Thank you for taking the time to reply, I will pass this on to my friend for her daughter to look at. x


Imo go for an appointment to CAB. She needs to write down a timeline of what happened and take all correspondence.


They need to work out whats happened, how much has been paid and how much they have recovered etc. They need to look at the paperwork. You probably need a proper caseworker and not a volunteer or at least someone with the expertise to handle it. If your daughter rings CAB then make them aware she needs a casworker for a tax credit issue about overpayment.


As said above the real people who you can sort this out with is HMRC.


I cant say whether there has been an error or not, but someone needs to identify whats happened.





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