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Muslim Adverts on UK buses

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I think we're all well aware of the problems with Islamic governance by now.

This is not a race to the bottom. We (secularists) can and should do better. That's how we win.


Not guaranteed though, by tolerating it and allowing it to spread we could end being the minority and end up loosing. Is tolerance of something that gives us no benefits worth the risk of loosing what we have?

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How is the education secretary unqualified ? The facts are school children are taught that Britain is a Christian country.


The current UK Prime Minister also believes Britain still is a Christian country.




She is unqualified because she has no experience within the education sector yet her friend thought she was a great person to run the education sector of our nation. She is unqualified for the position.


Some unqualified persons opinion is a)an opinion and b)not the same as a legal ruling.


You were wrong and should apologise to Cyclone.

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Why don't you read the article properly and you may realise that it is an advert by a charity aimed at raising money for victims of the Syrian war. :rolleyes:


Islamic Relief are backed by the UK government who are matching the donations pound for pound. I'm not saying this is a bad thing and it could also achieve its aim of presenting muslims in a better light.

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Not guaranteed though, by tolerating it and allowing it to spread we could end being the minority and end up loosing. Is tolerance of something that gives us no benefits worth the risk of loosing what we have?


If that doesn't do it for you, then consider that nothing infuriates Islamic fundamentalists more than secularism.


---------- Post added 10-05-2016 at 13:54 ----------


Islamic Relief are backed by the UK government who are matching the donations pound for pound. I'm not saying this is a bad thing and it could also achieve its aim of presenting muslims in a better light.


Something to consider: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Relief#Controversy_and_allegations_of_terror_links


There's no real way for us to know. I suppose in the absence of clear evidence, they're entitled to the presumption of innocence. Although I'd feel like crap if I gave them money and it turned out later that the allegations were true.

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If that doesn't do it for you, then consider that nothing infuriates Islamic fundamentalists more than secularism.


I reckon Western consumerism tops secularism in the radical Islamic hate stakes.


The Islamic radicals know that the majority of their followers long for the Western Consumerist lifestyle, and over time they'll continue to haemorrhage followers to it.

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I think we're all well aware of the problems with Islamic governance by now.

This is not a race to the bottom. We (secularists) can and should do better. That's how we win.


No that's very true, we should never race to the bottom, but disallowing ALL religious advertisements wouldn't be doing the same as Islamic countries as there would be no favor for any religion.


---------- Post added 10-05-2016 at 14:20 ----------


I reckon Western consumerism tops secularism in the radical Islamic hate stakes.


The Islamic radicals know that the majority of their followers long for the Western Consumerist lifestyle, and over time they'll continue to haemorrhage followers to it.


How does this compare with many of the rich Arab states that still operate very oppressive islamic legal systems?

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No that's very true, we should never race to the bottom, but disallowing ALL religious advertisements wouldn't be doing the same as Islamic countries as there would be no favor for any religion.



There's nothing I'd like more than to live in a world without gods, but I don't think you can practically legislate for it. I think it more proper to allow all proselytism.



How does this compare with many of the rich Arab states that still operate very oppressive islamic legal systems?


Only the ruling class are rich. It's a case of do as I say, not as I do.

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If that doesn't do it for you, then consider that nothing infuriates Islamic fundamentalists more than secularism.


Not pandering to their beliefs appears to annoy them more.


So that's three reason to do everything possible to stop its spread.


They don't like secularism unless they are a minority and then they do.

They don't like consumerism unless it suits them.

And they don't like it when we don't pander to their beliefs.

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Not pandering to their beliefs appears to annoy them more.


So that's three reason to do everything possible to stop its spread.


They don't like secularism unless they are a minority and then they do.

They don't like consumerism unless it suits them.

And they don't like it when we don't pander to their beliefs.


You seem to be bouncing around between describing Muslims in general and their fundamentalists.

Islam taken literally and wholeheartedly is scary stuff, but it's not accurate to assume that all Muslims do so.


Many western (and other) Muslims are supportive of pluralism. They're just not the ones who catch our attention because they're not newsworthy.

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How does this compare with many of the rich Arab states that still operate very oppressive islamic legal systems?


I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the population in these states wanted to live the consumerist lifestyles that they see the minority living in there county and the majority in other countries. Wouldn't you?


Just look at the history of the world in the last 100 years, consumerism has spread across the world, imbedding itself into other cultures and trampling over other ideologies. It's only a matter of time until the whole world are consumers. Whether it will be a good thing or sustainable is debatable, and it will bring huge challenges, but it's the way we are heading.


To win this battle against the Islamists, we just have to continue to stand firm to our values and let it play out.

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