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What is with Cameron and The Queen?

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Why does he become so indiscreet whenever he is talking to or talking about Her Maj?


There was that time he blabbed about her "purring" down the phone at him after the Scottish referendum result and now he's casually laughing and joking with her about who are the most corrupt countries in the world.


If you watch the film she didn't even ask him about it, he just wanted to sound important, which in turn made him sound desperate.


Really.....why did he even have mention what he'd done in cabinet that morning? She couldn't give a toss.


It's sad than an elected politician feels the need to act like a lovelorn teen in front of an unelected old lady.

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Why does he become so indiscreet whenever he is talking to or talking about Her Maj?


There was that time he blabbed about her "purring" down the phone at him after the Scottish referendum result and now he's casually laughing and joking with her about who are the most corrupt countries in the world.


If you watch the film she didn't even ask him about it, he just wanted to sound important, which in turn made him sound desperate.


Really.....why did he even have mention what he'd done in cabinet that morning? She couldn't give a toss.


It's sad than an elected politician feels the need to act like a lovelorn teen in front of an unelected old lady.


Maybe he feels the head of state might like to know what's going on?


I can't believe this is news. Was he wrong in what he said? No he wasn't.

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The man is an idiot,

He is okay whilst he can stick to a script, like blabbing on about a strong economy, bla bla bla, and blabbing on about getting the deficit down, bla bla bla...but take him out of his pre programmed mode, then he is stuffed

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Why does he become so indiscreet whenever he is talking to or talking about Her Maj?


There was that time he blabbed about her "purring" down the phone at him after the Scottish referendum result and now he's casually laughing and joking with her about who are the most corrupt countries in the world.


If you watch the film she didn't even ask him about it, he just wanted to sound important, which in turn made him sound desperate.


Really.....why did he even have mention what he'd done in cabinet that morning? She couldn't give a toss.


It's sad than an elected politician feels the need to act like a lovelorn teen in front of an unelected old lady.


You do know that part of her duties as head of state is to have weekly meetings with the sitting PM of her government to find out exactly what has been going on in the cabinet meetings.


You do know that she has daily despatch boxes filled with papers setting out exactly what her parliament has been debating and the results of such debates.


You do know that despite her mostly ceremonial status, she is still the person who officially signs a law into force.


Of course she gives a toss.


The whole story is much about nothing. Jesus, Cameron was absolutely spot on with what he said. He used a perfectly acceptable turn of phrase to sum up a key part of an upcoming summit.


Its only the BBC and newspaper peddlers who "give a toss" about the words he said. In the context and with the audience who he said it to, he has done nothing wrong.


---------- Post added 11-05-2016 at 00:20 ----------


The man is an idiot,

He is okay whilst he can stick to a script, like blabbing on about a strong economy, bla bla bla, and blabbing on about getting the deficit down, bla bla bla...but take him out of his pre programmed mode, then he is stuffed


Stuffed? Really?


I bet if it was Saint Corbyn who said it, he would be applauded for speaking the truth.


Its a fact. A fact that he is perfectly entitled to state in a private conversation in a private function. The message was the achievement of getting two leaders from said countries to a summit set up to try and tackle it.


Even the horse's mouth agrees. If people actually bothered to read beyond the faux outrage headlines they would know that the essays published as part of the summit contains comments from said leaders which say


Ashraf Ghani acknowledges in his piece that Afghanistan is "one of the most corrupt countries on earth" and Mr Buhari that corruption became a "way of life" in his country under "supposedly accountable democratic governments".


Load of hot air over nothing. Its like a burglar kicking off for being described as a criminal.

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Are you really feeling so hurt about the elections that you need to start dragging in none stories like this Taxman? I mean seriously.... "PM does his job - Left whines about it" sums up what you have just said....


I used to think the stuff you wrote was worth reading. Please don't go the same way as the rest of the usual suspects....

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