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What is with Cameron and The Queen?

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But the video was released by Buckingham Palace.


I reckon the Queen has reached 90 and decided to hell with it I'm going to allow the true story to be told now.

...........think she's taking a leaf out of the husbands book!
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There I was, wondering where had British humour gone, and out Cameron comes with his 'fantastically corrupt' quip delivered in typically British and dry matter-of-fact manner on camera, on last night's news.


Well, I just burst out laughing, nearly fell off the kitchen chair :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


That was proper quality, accessorily out-Borissing the Boris by a galactic mile in 5 seconds flat.


Both countries are cesspits of corruption, after years and years of help and assistance by the UK and others, still without any prospects of progress in sight. Public ridiculing is as good a strategy to promote change there as any other.


Doesn't matter that it was Cameron, or if it had been Corbyn or Farage or Boris or <...>: you Brits should be proud, rather than get your knickers in a twist and worry about "what will people think".

Edited by L00b
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The man is an idiot,

He is okay whilst he can stick to a script, like blabbing on about a strong economy, bla bla bla, and blabbing on about getting the deficit down, bla bla bla...but take him out of his pre programmed mode, then he is stuffed


Your "I love the Labour Party" pants are showing.

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Sorry? What has he done wrong, exactly?


Correctly identified two of the most corrupt countries in the world.


It's about time this sort of thing was openly said by heads of states, maybe something will actually get done about it rather than the usual 'sweep it under the rug' scenario.

It's pathetic the left are up in arms about the comments, sometimes you need to be blunt to draw attention to the problem.

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