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SUSTANTIAL threat from Irish terrorists in England now.

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You mean John Major and Mo Mowlam?


Blair obviously took credit for it though, which is why he became the Middle East Peace Envoy, and what a great job he's done there.


Also Hilliary Clinton has claimed to be instrumental in bringing peace to Northern Ireland. Perhaps she had a word in Gerry Adams ear when her husband invited him to the Whitehouse much to the displeasure of John Major.

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Mo Molam sorted it out. Not Blair. That slimy ponce swanned in at the last minute and took credit.


If it wasn't for her there would have been no peace agreement.


She took on these religious nutjobs and their stubborn ways dragging them into the modern world. She had the balls to clamp down on years of male dominated "traditions" and show them the impact it was having on wider society.


She made then get round the table and Blair just turned up for the photocall.


The republican struggle wasn't anything to do with religion; a united Ireland being the primary aim.

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The republican struggle wasn't anything to do with religion; a united Ireland being the primary aim.

Can we have this in BIG letters please.


The cause for the IRA never has been anything to do with religion. Why do people insist on trying to conflate the twol? Educate yourselves.

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The republican struggle wasn't anything to do with religion; a united Ireland being the primary aim.
All laudable and all that...but have you spent any time (i.e. years living-) in the Republic?


I'm only asking as I have, and most (southern) Irish I've ever spoken with about the above would sooner not 'get' the North back, and consider SF only very marginally more acceptable as a political party than Brits do the BNP, about par with a full-on Communist party ;)

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That`s all we need, just when we thought Tony Blair had sorted the problem and seen the peace process put in place, the bbc reports-“It means an attack in England, Scotland or Wales is "a strong possibility".


Home Secretary Theresa May said the level, set by security service MI5, "reflects the continuing threat from dissident republican activity". The level for Northern Ireland-related terrorism in Northern Ireland remains severe, meaning an attack is "highly likely".



I wonder if the Americans are still funding the Irish terrorists


At least it will help to keep the Meadowhall body bag fairy tale alive.




According to one of my associates, it's no fairy tale he was in the building when they were delivered. Unless he was simply lying about it for some reason known only to himself.



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Can we have this in BIG letters please.


The cause for the IRA never has been anything to do with religion. Why do people insist on trying to conflate the twol? Educate yourselves.

Well the catholic priests seemed to be on hand a lot when giving victims the last rights and then taking confession from the perpetrators still they were only doing Gods work wern't they.:(

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According to one of my associates, it's no fairy tale he was in the building when they were delivered. Unless he was simply lying about it for some reason known only to himself.




He might have been mistaken? Unless he was head of security there or something?

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He might have been mistaken? Unless he was head of security there or something?
The bodybag thing is a myth, and Meadowhall had security procedures in place and close collaboration with the authorities about IRA codewords.


That's straight from Meadowhall's top level management, going back to the early 90s.

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