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The Keeler scandal.

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Poor Stephen ward, was a mook in this scandal.

People have freedom of choice, how they conduct their lives,and how to act, and deal with the fallout.

Jack Profumo took the choice to become physically involved with Miss Keeler.

No one forced him, to become involved with her, and I don't agree with infidelity, but its widespread.

The 60s were a time of sexual revolution, due to the Pill, and lots of immorality resulted.

I am sure, such conduct still goes on, behind closed doors, but society is so much more tolorent these days.

I know this transpired many years ago, but Stephen Ward, commited suicide, and this is forever !

His so called friends all ratted on him, and left him to burn.

Miss Keeler, all these years later, looks well worn, to say the least.

I expect the stupidity of youth, ruined her life, as well, and feels deep sad regretted about the death of Stephen Ward.

We all have done stupid things, but the consiquences can be lifelong.

Jack Profumo had a beautiful Wife, what a stupid man !

I can remember my parents talking about this scandal, and a member of the royal family were implicated, in connection, with the affair.

Rest in peace Stephen Ward, a shame you didn't sit out the storm.

You could have done your bird, left the country, and started anew.

If only someone had supported him, he needn't have died, a waste !:mad:

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Well what about John Major, and Edwina Curry ?

We were told it was a very torrid affair, its going on all the time, its just hidden well, or not so well !

If the muck didn't sell newspapers, no one would realy be that bothered, infidelity isn't something new, its been ongoing since time began.

For every action there is a reaction, a consequence, and an outcome.

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I thought the Profumo Scandal was more about the Official Secrets Act than the actual sexual acts/morality.

Yes there were concerns about issues of national security.


Poor Stephen Ward was a pimp. Mellor was a Fulham supporter who switched sides.

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The Profumo affair was about Profumo lying to the house of parliament, denying his involvement with Keeler, and then his resignation.

There was no evidence he disclosed any state secrets to keeler or she revaled any information to Ivanoff, the Russian spy.

Stephen Ward was charged with procurement, living of immoral earnings of a prostitute.

He just introduced people to each other, that's not a crime, what these people did was their own choice, not his. He didn't force anyone to become sexualy involved with anyone, it was just his circle of friends, who choose to live immoraly.

It goes on all the time, everywhere these days, and no on bats an eyelid, as long as its with consenting adults.

Stephen Ward was just a scapegoat, and hounded by the police, someone had to pay, and it, sadly was him.

Dirt was dug up regarding other high profile people, and it was kept secret, by the powers that be, protecting each others backs.

This all came to light, due to the gun attack at Stephen Wards home, otherwise, it wouldn't have been discovered at all.

The bottom line is Keeler was involved with Profumo, lied to parliament, was unable to refute the written evidence, from himself to Keeler, had to come clean, and resighned from his post.

There was no evidence of the leaking of state secrets whatsoever, just suspicions by association.

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  • 5 months later...

The Keeler Scandal.


To the tune of, Pop Goes The Weasel…


Half a pound of Mandy Rice

Half a pound of Keeler

1/6 to look at her

3 Bob to feel ‘er


The above was a dittyette we young ‘uns sang in 1963-64. We don’t know the meaning though (Lol) because we were only 9-10 years old. Mi Mum once heard me singing it, which lead to me getting a clipping. Ouch!


I often wondered if Christine Keeler received bottles of Italian perfume from Mr. Profumo.


Profumo was appointed a CBE in 1975, 12 years after he had resigned in shame from government, a Tory government.


There was also (quiet) talk about Harold Wilson and Marcia Williams, sitting upon a Gannex raincoat, watching ‘Flowers in the rain’, whilst making a Move towards each other.

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That brings back some memories! Imagine the coverage today, as it all happened in London, and I was 18 and not really interested in the goings on of the goverment, but I do remmeber it being quite a talking topic. I guess was to busy going out to the pub! Those days are long gone...

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