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Discussion over bullying

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Boy a is 8 and the boy b (boy who pushed him) is 10 l. They was at a after school event on school premises during the incident

You should trust your own judgement and complain to the school, if you don't believe the teacher handled the situation correctly.


A ten year old can be much bigger and stronger than an eight year old, so you are more than likely correct to be concerned.


---------- Post added 16-05-2016 at 21:21 ----------


I'd intervene then. Give boy B a bollocking if needed.


I agree, but you are putting yourself at risk of getting into trouble in this mad World.

Edited by Gamston
typo eror
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I agree, but you are putting yourself at risk of getting into trouble in this mad World.


Sod that, if we are all too scared to tell a 10 year old how they should behave then it's all lost. If you want society to be the way you want it you have to make that happen.

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I was just wondering over people's views on the following incident:


You are a parent stood at school waiting for your child to finish an after school activity..


Whilst waiting you notice another boy (boy b) grab another boy (boy a ) by both arms and push him into the fence on two occasions...

The teacher / trainer has not seen this incident but ( boy a)is upset...


As a parent witnessing this what would you do?


Tell the school (ie a teacher), if there is a pattern then this information helps them understand it.


---------- Post added 16-05-2016 at 21:54 ----------




Horseplay if I start pushing you around on a Friday night in the pub and it makes you upset? Or common assault?


---------- Post added 16-05-2016 at 21:54 ----------


You and I do not know the context.


What context makes it acceptable to assault someone? Is it the context of being a child? :huh:


---------- Post added 16-05-2016 at 21:55 ----------


Sod that, if we are all too scared to tell a 10 year old how they should behave then it's all lost. If you want society to be the way you want it you have to make that happen.


Well said.

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I find this depressing. Surely it's the role of any responsible adult to intervene in a situation where children are hurting each other.


It is yes, and if the kid decides to accuse you of touching him up...? It does happen.


If you are dealing with other peoples little dahlings, especially in the current climate of red top fuelled paranoia then make sure there is another adult who sees what happens and will back you up.


But yes - it is the role of a responsible adult to intervene in such situations.

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