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Required a Dentist who straightens teeth ?

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I have a friend who is looking for a dentist who can straighten teeth. For what Iv been told their will be a few problems involved so will need someone who has a lot of experience also need a wheelchair access so no upstairs practices only on one level ones. Not sure how ture this is does Sheffield have a dental / training hospital ?

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You need a referral to a specialist called an orthodontist. The Charles Clifford has an orthodontic department but you will need referring. There are some practices that specialise in this. Your regular dentist will have an agreement with a practice where he sends referrals to. Speak to them for more information.

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Hope you have more joy than I did a couple of years ago. Was referred to Charles Clifford by two different dentists for root canal treatment which needs specialist equipment. The two replies stated they weren't agreeable to do this work.

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