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By 2020, people will lose roughly 5 million jobs

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Would,nt worry too much. As I left school they were saying oil would run out by the next century and that was in 1979. We still have plenty of oil. It's alright having driverless vehicles but there are still plenty of cars with drivers that are idiots that will manage to hit the driverless cars. Then we start with the legal suing etc. Robots have been around for decades doing various jobs and they have a long way to go before they are as efficient as seen in sci if films.

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I believe it. Google are investing billions now in AI.

The only way to protect our jobs is to learn a skill or job robots can't do. Experts reckon we will have to adopt cyborg features or implants to compete with robots in future job market. Say a bionic arm that makes us sort mail faster.

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I believe it. Google are investing billions now in AI.

The only way to protect our jobs is to learn a skill or job robots can't do. Experts reckon we will have to adopt cyborg features or implants to compete with robots in future job market. Say a bionic arm that makes us sort mail faster.


being a cyborg is not as fun as it sounds!


i have a pain in all the diodes down my left side

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time for a butlerian jihad?




I think eventually it's quite likely. It's all very well saying to people "learn to do something that computers can't do" but that range of work will get smaller as machines get more intelligent, and some people are only up to low-skilled jobs, they lack the mental raw material for more complex jobs. I think it's quite an alarming prospect: large numbers of people permanently out of work, unaffordable welfare bill, therefore high crime as people are forced to survive without welfare, and dwindling markets for goods and services due to insufficient numbers of people earning.

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