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By 2020, people will lose roughly 5 million jobs

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So much like the points scheme we operate for immigrants from outside the EU then?


If unemployment is so high, what are the unskilled immigrants (from within the EU) doing when they get here?


Something like that yes, they are suppressing wages by competing for unskilled work and force living costs to rise by competing for low cost housing.

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Nobody is saying progress is a bad thing. Technology is amazing and could free us all from drudgery.


But unless the monetary system we have now isn't changed, and we find a way to share the wealth that technology can generate, many many of us will be dying in abject poverty with technology.


That's never happened before with technological advancement and we went through those earlier changes with a far less progressive society than we have now.


The vast bulk of the "poor" in the west are only poor in relative terms.

They get food, shelter, clothing etc to meet their needs. On top of that they get enough for some recreation. I know people highly dependent on benefits and they have TVs, games consoles, sky subscriptions, mobile phones etc etc.

There will obviously be some exceptions where the system has failed, or where the people themselves have failed and the system does not help them to get it sorted. But to suggest that we're anywhere near placing these people generally into a state of "abject poverty" is frankly absurd.


These technological advancements will help the poor.

The work they are asked to do will be less physically demanding. We'll be able to afford to reduce everybody's hours and still pay them decent rates. Both the essentials (food etc) and the luxuries of life will be cheaper. There will be more tax revenue to provide the poor with services and benefits.

I know this because this has what has always happened before with technological advancement. It is an unavoidable by-product of the increase in productivity per capita which such technology is the driving force behind.

Don't deny them, or the rest of us, the massive improvement in standard of living that will arise out of future technological progress out of your own fear and ignorance.

Edited by unbeliever
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