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Hi chefkicker,

Yes i was the one witht the big right hooks in the taekwondo outfit...the reason for the big hooks was as i felt i was losing and thought the only way to get back was to go for a knock down...luckily it worked! The lad was to tall and got a few good punches in so i thought the only way to win was to knock him down...best way to do it witht the right hook lol. Im from john gannons school of korean karate (taekwondo) down in leicester. Sorry for the late reply again, i keep forgettin to look on here! Cheers

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Hi chefkicker,

Yes i was the one witht the big right hooks in the taekwondo outfit...the reason for the big hooks was as i felt i was losing and thought the only way to get back was to go for a knock down...luckily it worked! The lad was to tall and got a few good punches in so i thought the only way to win was to knock him down...best way to do it witht the right hook lol. Im from john gannons school of korean karate (taekwondo) down in leicester. Sorry for the late reply again, i keep forgettin to look on here! Cheers


Hi Craig,

Well done mate, the round with a knockdown was a 10-8 round to you (due to the down) as soon as the tall guy hit the deck, one of my judges , the big black guy (who also judges for Cagewarriors and many Full contact promotions) laughed and said "Thats a 10-8 round".

I know a guy from Gannons black belt academy. Rob Cronin got his 2nd Dan from there and trained with us for a couple of years too. He fought for us a couple of times, once against an instructor called Steve Wanford and once in the student championships down in Kent.

He was about 63kg I believe. It is nice that you keep in touch on this thread. Lets keep it as a thread for the fighters!


By the fighters, FOR the fighters!!!

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Hi guys is the tournement your talking about light continuous or full contact,

only i thought the word light would mean you shouldnt hit some one hard enough to knock them down?

And if you are allowed to knock each other down whats the point of LIGHT continuous ???

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Hi guys is the tournement your talking about light continuous or full contact,

only i thought the word light would mean you shouldnt hit some one hard enough to knock them down?

And if you are allowed to knock each other down whats the point of LIGHT continuous ???


LOL Its Light continuous :P

Whats with all the contention? Eerywhere I see your name it seems that you want to slag off me, my club, my officiating or my promotions.

Now if people had a problem with my reffing/judging then surely I wouldnt get called to shows to ref and judge on a regular basis?

Terry Johnston from BUMAC has no problems with my reffing , it was his tournament , the fighters had no problems with my reffing.Shock horror by the way Adrian Abdulla from Lau Gar said nothing about the contact levels , sorry he did at the first one but I ignored his complaints LOL in fact at the last one he was all smiles and very happy with me letting the fighters go hell for leather and try to KO each other :)


Now there is a difference: There is INTERCLUB light contact , which is true light contact (which is for novices trying to pick up experience) and then theres championship level where people want to WIN. Because they want to win. Because they want to win they come out all guns blazing. Guess what? I love to see that, they want to come out hard, then they should be ready to take hard shots back (which they were happy to).


At my next event I will be putting on TRUE light contact in the morning to start the show off, then I will be doing Full contact bouts afterwards.

Now if the BUMAC was lighter contact too many people would be getting disqualified which I think defeats the object.

Naah let everyone go hard :P


This is how people see things:

1. Mat1 Katas/ musical forms . This is the "pretty" or "flowery " side of martial arts.

2. Mat 2= Semi contact points sparring , OK for the kids and for people like yourself who do Lau gar or freestyle karate( No its not kickboxing!) or perhaps ITF taekwondo= Bit boring really unless you like watching tiggy or unless you have been brainwashed by a McDojoised form of "martial artificial".

3. Mat 3 = Light continuous Kickboxing. This is totally different to the other 2 mats. Fighters with heart , spirit and proper kicking and punching skill. Test of stamina, toughness , bravery , defence as well as boxing and kicking skills (minus the actual ringcraft)


Most people find mat 3 a welcome release from the semi and katas.

A bit of controlled violence :P


I love it!!!

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Hey Chefkiker i wasnt slagging any one off and only you are doubting your reffereing abilities only trying to understand the RULES , i like so many other by standers thought Light continuous was controlled sparring fair enough moderate to hard for body strikes but surely no head shoots that would knock some one down, I ve searched a few sites for different martial arts comps and associations and they ALL say that exessive contact would result in disqualification.

Surly there must be a difference between Light continuous and full contact, however if its left up to the refs discretion then i suppose you need a refferee who has the strength of charecter and a pressence about him to control the fight and not let fighters do what they want?

And yes your right i spoke to Adrian earlyer and he did say that a lad from his club( as well as himself) enjoyed the bumac comp and is looking forward to the next one, but he did think that knockdown punches in Light cont should result in a warning or disqualification.

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LOL Iceman!

You always see heavy contact in L-con. Rather than say "yeah yeah its going to be light" then let them go for it, I prefer to tell them they CAN go for it.

If someone is getting hurt or winded, I step in and give an 8 count, another 8 count and its all over.


Why should I disqualify people? Then all you will get is people smirking and saying "oh i got disqualified, I hit too hard for this **** tournament" . No thank you , I prefer to give people what they want. Now I dont think the contact was too heavy. In many cases you simply got people who were either outmatched or people who were poorly conditioned.



1.The fighters want an opportunity to go harder than in semi

2. The coaches TEACH their fighters to punch and kick with power.

3. The public want to see a FIGHT


Only Iceman and his merry men are not happy :P


As for strong prescence in L-con, lets see you mouth off at me or one of my guys on the mat and see where that gets you :P

You ask your instructors when one of them mouthed off at Imran Ali (My brown belt ) in the BUMAC October 4th 2004, he sure put them in their place



As for controlling the fight, I dont allow any nonsense on the mat , you wont find any idiots jumping on the mat and shouting abuse LOL I guarantee that.


Ok you find the odd idiot taking a dive claiming to be hit in the groin when in fact it was a body shot , and Im sure you know who Im reffereing to who was trying to take a dive in this way. We dont need to name names now do we , its not my style.

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I work when i want to :P


Sometimes Im actually logged on from work you know?

Im in my promotional company's office.

AFK promotions.


You didnt have a problem witht he contact in the continuous sparring did you Dave?

Iceman just wants to moan because he thinks I have been teaching on his "patch". Words of wisdom from one of his club members "Martial arts is a Mafia Business"


LOL @Mafia business , would that make me Don Fazeone then?

Sleeping with the fishes LOL.


That would make you Davemafioso :P

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Chefkiker i ought to explain, im pretty sure you think i'm some one i'm not, ive trained with the instructors that you dislike (for what ever reason ) on and off for around 10 ys (more off than on adn off at the present ).


From previous posts by you and the likes of freddylee, it is clear that you have a problem with Lau Gar, now ive spoken to Adrian earlyer this afternoon and asked him about AFK and yourself and he said that he has only ever met you at either Bumacc or other local tournaments has no wish to disrespect you or what you do, ive tried to get him to take part in the forum but he just laughs it off, like he said to me earlyer that his student did enjoy the bummac comp and its horses for courses, its true that i have told people on the forum about prokungfu but have never (unless you can show me slagged off your students or class) I must point out that my views are not those of the brothers from Lau Gar one of them said and i quote 'I wouldn't argue which style or who is best and who isnt thats not what martial arts is about'

So its left to me cheffciker to debate points about MA some i know and some i dont, but i am always willing to listen. (ps i'm not going to keep going back and forth telling the tale about what you post, and from what i know they hardly ever use the forum so no worries there)


Oh and i know Claude frow when we trained at lau a good few years back(at least well i wouldnt like to guess)

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