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Martial Arts Competitions

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I get on ok with him and I do kung fu there is no gain for him in talking to me???


He is just straight to the point about what he thinks and is not worried about saying it.


LOL Yes Dave you are right. Some people need to take a cold shower :P


I dislike idiots thats it really, oh and points fighters calling what they do "kickboxing".


K-1 guys calling it kickboxing= OK

Full contact guys calling it kickboxing =OK

kickboxing rules fighters calling it kickboxing= YES

Light continuous fighters calling it kickboxing= OK , after all L-con is a precursor to FC. Its what I call the "feeder sport" if you get what I mean.

The contact is quite similar a lot of the time but a slightly different format/round time and scoring system.

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hey chefkicker

It took me some time to check, but did you say earlier to Adam s that at the last bummac 2005 your LC team wern't invited to the GB selections! and that they cleaned up most of the divisions by stopping their opponents ! I think your telling porkies,


1 if there was only 4 divisions -65 was won by one of the Marsdens (well done lads)

2 -75 was won by Julian again from the marsden and Paul powers Gym(What a fighter)

3 + 85 was won by Matt from Sheffield Academy(Very excitig fighter)


So your guy( sorry TEAM) MIGHT have won the -85 (if he did were you reffing)


Thats why you didn't recieve an invite to the world championships


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DIDN'T WIN ANYTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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hey chefkicker

It took me some time to check, but did you say earlier to Adam s that at the last bummac 2005 your LC team wern't invited to the GB selections! and that they cleaned up most of the divisions by stopping their opponents ! I think your telling porkies,


1 if there was only 4 divisions -65 was won by one of the Marsdens (well done lads)

2 -75 was won by Julian again from the marsden and Paul powers Gym(What a fighter)

3 + 85 was won by Matt from Sheffield Academy(Very excitig fighter)


So your guy( sorry TEAM) MIGHT have won the -85 (if he did were you reffing)


Thats why you didn't recieve an invite to the world championships


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DIDN'T WIN ANYTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey Iceman (or should that be Adrian Abdulla)

Seems you have a grudge against AFK, if you want to start this "my fighters are better than your fighters" malarky, sorry to say that you will lose miserably.

The Bumac just gone , I entered a NOVICE (thats right a novice) fighter in the under 75kg. He stopped 2 of his 3 opponents (one of them in less than a minute). I have plenty of eye witnesses there. He stopped an Ex Boxer with 40+ boxing bouts to his credit in the final.

That destroys your theory. No disrespect to Matt, nice humble and polite fellow that he is, but if you think that he is an "EXCITING" fighter then you obviously dont get out enough or dont understand kickboxing full stop.


I very rarely enter people into the BUMAC circuit. When i do i only enter NOVICES. One Bumac we ended up with :


-65kg= 2nd place, -75kg = 1st and 3rd, -85kg= 1st place , 85kg + = 2nd place


The tournament you mentioned, where i didnt win anything. Wayne Betts came 2nd to Julian , Wayne Betts trains at AFK (as well as marsdens).

Now lets hear if you guys have achieved anything in Full Contact at all? More importantly what about yourself?


Next time think before you post. Come and see me at cagewarriors, Ill give you some bog roll to wipe your mouth with :P


Now I think you owe me a massive apology for accusing me of telling porkies.

Be a man and come out of hiding and try slagging me off to my face instead of behind your P.C now .

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I think it starts in the morning.

Id say 11am to be safe.


They normally charge the following:

Competitors £12 (in advance , if you pay late there is a £10 entry fee)

Spectators £6


Id be a bit dubious of the so called "Team Great Britain Selections" hype though.

Last time i entered a team into the Light Continuous division we cleaned up most of the divisions Stopping most of the opponents by TKO and we didnt get invited to any "world championships"


I cant comment on the standard of the semi contact and forms divisions as I dont get involved in those disciplines at all. Especially not semi contact points. Kata and Forms are ok for traditional disciplines Id say but Semi contact point fighting is a bad joke and needs killing off in my opinion.

Im a real Anti Semi contact Nazi :P .


There is a good reason for my views. Referees score points for all kind of crap techniques one time i saw an open hand slap to the face scored! Also the nature of the system is such that it encourages poor defense.

Generally there is little or no ettiquette and respect in Semi and the fighters and coaches act like football hooligans if their techniques arent scored.


In all honesty though the above behaviour is generally echoed by a lot of the "Freestyle karate" and the modernised "kung fu" systems than by Taekwondo or Traditional Karate stylists. Karate and Taekwondo tend to emphasise discipline and respect a lot more than this new "sport karate" or whatever else they choose to call themselves these days.


The "fighters" tend to talk a lot of rubbish as well. One semi contact fighter was telling me how she regularly beats up Thai boxers, has had 15 Full contact fights (I had not heard of any of the promoters/venues/opponents,..etc she mentioned) and how Thaiboxers in thailand "bought their titles" .


I am now of the opinion that "martial artificial" breeds lack of respect, poor ettiquette and weak spirit.


I think I will get off my soapbox now :D

Any semi contact afficianado who doesnt like what I say can respond on here or voice your displeasure in a more personal way if you please.




Now Chefkicker this is your original statement that at the previous Bummac your team cleaned up as i have shown you they did not , now im not having a dig at any one, but you are claiming things that never happened ,

you may well have entered a novice in the competition 2006 (well done to him) but we are talking about 2005 in your post,

as i pointed out before i have no grudge , wrong assumption about who i am (but if it makes you feel better then call me who you want)

there is a run down and photos of the 2005 bumacc on the prokungfu site

but the point is you as an instructor you shouldn't make false claims.



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"but you are claiming things that never happened"


Precisely Iceman.


Chefkicker like to imply that anyone questioning him has ulterior motives/an axe to grind/is jealous of his success/is racist etc etc. What he can't seem to grasp the concept of is that people have caught on to the fact that he talks nonsense and likes to exagerate his claims. Which is exaclty why I was questioning him on this and other threads.


But again (and as usual) he won't answer these questions......... Seeriously, don't get dragged into his stupid arguments, he's well known all over for it.

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Now Chefkicker this is your original statement that at the previous Bummac your team cleaned up as i have shown you they did not , now im not having a dig at any one, but you are claiming things that never happened ,

you may well have entered a novice in the competition 2006 (well done to him) but we are talking about 2005 in your post,

as i pointed out before i have no grudge , wrong assumption about who i am (but if it makes you feel better then call me who you want)

there is a run down and photos of the 2005 bumacc on the prokungfu site

but the point is you as an instructor you shouldn't make false claims.




Ok so Steve Hawker, Ben Lukowski, Joseph Fanous , Tom Jones and Matt commons dont exist then?

So they didnt enter the Bumac and KO/TKO opponents they fought?


Hmm will you be brave enough to tell Matt Commons that he didnt fight at the BUMAC and floor his (very brave ) opponent over and over again?

He bounces outside niche, walk up to him and claim he never fought at the BUMAC ?



Rather you than me.

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