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Yep youre proberbly right Chinny-Lynne,

All he wants to do is get people to fight, in a previous post he mentions some one from lau gar (Obvously not a real person) saying that Martial arts was a mafia buissness, well i dont exactly know how it works but if some one wasn't up to the standered to teach or instruct then why would an instructor let that person use their name. I mean any one can open a class and start teaching, but not off the back of a reputable organisation.

Or perhaps standerds don't mean anything in Martial Arts these days!

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I have been reading some of these martial arts posts with intrest, especially some views, i am a little offended and quite frankly can't believe what i'm reading from members of the martial arts freternity.

I've been in Sheffield around 3 years now and before that lived down south

i am a martial arts practitioner (not going to name the style as i don't see the relivence) but i have competed on the semi-contact and light-continuous circuit for a while,Cimac,FSK,MAI,WUMA,WKA,WAKO(International) to name but a few,

Now some facts - Semi contact fighting is the most popular form of fighting in the UK (proberbly Europe i know i've fought in comps abroard)

Light continuous is as it says LIGHT- a Good ref will be able to control the fighters and take no s***t or abuse and not be scared of handing out warnings or disqualifications for failure to keep with in the peramiters of the rules.

The thing what is most up setting and it will only harm the sport is Full contact fighters fighting on the Light continuous circuit and trying to KO the opponents, if that is how they want to fight why don't they stick to the ring


How can it do a so called Full contact fighter any good to take part in a Light continuous comp, and knock out guys that are expecting Light continuous fighting.:huh:

So as for the guy or instructor / coach or what ever you call youself, that says let them go as hard as they want, well you really don't know what your talking about.

P.S this is not meant as an insult to Full Contact Fighters, just the wannabes

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HI klimber are you still competing and do you still train in Sheffield ?


If not don't be put off by what you read on here there are som pretty good clubs in Sheff (if you still train that is) i'am sure youd be more than welcome at most if not all of them.

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I will adress your points one by one.

You are entitled to your own opinions even if they are total nonsense of which many are.

1.Since you judge somebody's ablilities just because of what some random person hiding behind a keyboard says on the internet , that automatically proves that you have **** for brains.

There you go that is my opinion.


2.Now as for Semi contact being popular? So is masturbation.

Semi contact is Boring full stop! It never has and never will appeal to viewers.

It is also a stupid form of competition and totally pointless.

Stopping after a point everytime contact is made? What is the point in that?

Have you seen the state of some of the techniques that are scored? Now I understand in Traditional Karate, they only score a GOOD technique. In "freestyle karate" (which is what it is, no its NOT a kickboxing format), they score any old crap.


3. Light continuous will always vary across the board. The way I see things is that there are different levels of L-con. Interclub L-con, Ringsport L-con, Championship level L-con.

Now the interclub level L-con should be TRUE light contact where NO hard contact is allowed whatsoever. That basically means that you get yellow card then red card( Disqualified). Ringsport L-con is generally fought on the undercard of amateur full contact. Because there are FC bouts as well, the L-con is kept light BUT the action is made to be fast and flowing.

Championship level L-con, at this level fighters should be able to handle a "bit of rough" or they should not be there.


4. FC fighters will always use L-con either as a warm up or as a "trial run" before the real thing (a week or 2 before an FC bout) also to "keep busy" or just for a "bit of fun".

You cant handle that then its Tough **** as they say. Calling an FC fighter a wannabee just because they want to enter a L-con tournament for a bit of a laugh is disrespectful, then again I find semi contact fighters most disrespectful anyway.


5.You claim that FC fighters try to KO people in L-con. In my experience, it seems to be the Semi people who go hard on people and break the rules in other ways too. The same Semi people, try and get them to fight FC against the same opponent they have just fought dirty against, 9 times out of 10 they say "im not doing FC its dodgy".


I am currently more interested in promoting FC at present but I still promote the odd L-con here and there.

I am willing to promote L-con at all 3 levels. Interclub, Ringsport and championship level.


If you are skillful and a crowd pleaser then I would gladly promote you on our shows regardless of what club you train with. Just be prepared for a FAIR MATCH i.e not to be matched with novices who you can look flash against.

With your level of experience, you should have no trouble with being matched against one of the Belarus fighters which I have regular dealings with.

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wow what a post :loopy:


I take it from your previous posts that you teach as well as 'promote'

and i've got to say never in all the comps i've been to have i ever heard such small minded and ignorant views.


I havn't judged anyones abilities from random posts, so for you to say that i have no brains shows how narrow minded you are.( and i'm a little offended)


Semi contact is still the most popular form of fighting in the UK today what ever you say or post there's not much you can do about it:hihi:


I came on here to talk and listen to serious Martial Artists view, not to be insulted by a Martial Arts instructor.


Even if i didnt like a style of fighting the last thing i would do is come on here and call it crap, what kind of example are you giving your students,

In Martial Arts reputation is paramount and you are surly destroying yours, with outbursts like this.


Light con may well be a stepping stone to Full contact, but once the move has been made why bother going back to Light con (unless you thought Full con was too tough) again full contact wannabees

Your point about doing it for fun well it's a little like proffesional boxers fighting amateur between bouts :hihi: i dont mean to be disrespectfull but you are either a Light con fighter or full con, you could be both but the trouble is fighters win light con rounds then add them on to there full con record i.e. enter light con tournements win a couple of rounds then loose in the semis but still claim the two wins on there fight record.:hihi:


Have you never taken part in semi contact, its harder than it looks,

i think you'll agree that if you were to take on a semi contact fighter you would loose, there is a great deal of skill and timing involved when executing techniques in semi contact, ( not trying to say this is better )

but Fighting is fighting.

If you have never done it then how can you substansciate you claims about semi contact:huh:


Perhaps you could argue that sprinters arn't real runners because they only run for 100m and not 800 or 1000m:hihi:


Thanks for the offer of being on your 'promotion' but i decline gracefully.


Prefer to fight on the open circuit (semi and Light con)

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You deserve to be insulted when you talk rubbish on the net.

The offer still stands :P

Oh sorry it wasnt an offer it was a case of a challenge match

"semi contact plastic sport" Vs REAL kickboxing


Lets watch the international point fighter get bashed up/hospitalised by the rough and ready belarussian fighting machine.


Shame you wont accept as the crowd would love to see a brutal KO.


Since when has flicking someone with a backfist needed skill?

Dont delude yourself, you know that in semi, refs award points for all kind of crap.

Also , Im only replying to your posts with the same level of "contact" that you spoke to me with so frankly offending you doesnt make me lose any sleep whatsoever. With the way you post so without courtesy just confirms the way semi contact fighters carry themselves. Full of false bravado and without ettiquette. Up their own arses without reason to be.

If somebody wants to do L-con as well as FC then that should be up to them.


You have just disrespected a large chunk of FC fighters who do that. Im not going to complain that you decide to have the occasional l-con bout as well as your semi am i?



Semi contact point sparring is about interesting as watching grown men play tig (because thats what it is).


Your post and your views are totally worthless in my opinion , it is clear that you (like your bum-chum iceman and his other mates on here) are just here to cause trouble.

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Have to agree about the Semi contact here. To me it just seems pointless. I dont see the pooint in it whatsoever. I have seen various semi contact events and it bores the hell out of me. It just doesnt seem to flow. The fighting keeps getting stopped every second.


Start stop start stop start stop winner. Its not for me, but each to their own.


Let fighters get on with it I say. Only use sensible rules, otherwise let em go at it.

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No one deserves to be insulted,


just because some one has a diffrent view, doesn't give you the right to be insulting, RESPECTING different views weren't you taught that by your Martial Arts instructor:confused:


Yes as with any sport you get good and bad refs but you can't blame the fighters.


I don't think i've insulted any Full con fighters just instructors that misguide there students.( per haps thats why your so upset)


As for flicking some one with a back fist being skillfull, well i reckon you would have difficulty landing one. It's proberbly more skillfull than two fighters trying to wind mill each other to death.(As most the fighters on these so called proffessional shows do)


And for the record i'm not trying to cause trouble, i thought the point of the forum was so that anyone could post , sorry didn't realise that I had to pass your stringent tests before I could make my point:hihi:


It seems to me that you consider youre self as the Mr Big of Kickboxing

I reackon that you rub more people up the wrong way than you realise,


After reading some of your earlier posts, You'll soon be claiming that you're the only one that teaches real jui jitsu or grappaling:gag:


'A big fish in a small pond':hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


I will refuse to answer any more of youre childish posts, but i can turn my computer off in the knowledge that



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