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Mystery shoulder pain

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I think I'm going to visit the doctor over this, because it has happened again the last few days. It was twinging slightly on Tuesday/Wednesday last week, then Saturday morning it became quite painful, and I had to drive 60 miles. My partner said it sounds like a trapped nerve, and I did wake up this morning with pins and needles in my hand. Any twisting movement causes a jolt of pain. Getting up from laying back on the sofa hurts :( I thought it was getting better today but I think I've done too much now.

I have started doing more exercise since the last time it happened. I do pole fitness classes each week, which involve using my arms and shoulders a lot to lift my own bodyweight. My arms are getting stronger because of this. This shouldn't have caused the shoulder problem because I wasn't doing it back in May when it first occurred.

Time for the doctors I suppose, although by the time I can get a routine appointment, it will (hopefully) be better.


I think all any of us can do on a forum, is recount issues, we've personally had...Rather than make any kind of diagnosis. It's up to you, if something someone says 'rings a bell' in your personal circumstances.


I once suffered from bad shoulder pain, to the point where I was unable to lift my arm above head height. Diagnosis (from the doc)?...Frozen shoulder. It took a good six months to sort out, with anti-inflammatory drugs and physio. But as I said, that's only 'my' experience.

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In my recent experience of should pain, the GP was rubbish. A new GP, I had pins n needles, pain etc; had the xrays and when I go back to see this GP he didnt seem to know what to do.

I suggested a blood test, but my sister had the xray and then the diagnosis was confirmed.

I feel more pain in my side side, yet the xray says wear on the right side. Ringing up today chase up these blood tests.

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