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Golf! the exclusion of women.

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why? women can feel intimidated when in mixed company in certain circumstances

Theres plenty of mixed times at swimming pools tho for those that want to swim together


If a woman feels intimidated by a man I would say she has an inferiority complex which needs attention, and if someone objects to using a swimming pool at the same time as me then I would treat that as an insult.

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If a woman feels intimidated by a man I would say she has an inferiority complex which needs attention, and if someone objects to using a swimming pool at the same time as me then I would treat that as an insult.



Many women do have an inferiority complex, because they have been intimidated by men and treated as inferior beings not entitled to be equal to men. The press is full of instances of this. Try reading a little more than the Sheffield forum and you will quickly learn how much of the world treats women.


I suggest that if you feel insulted by a woman not wishing to swim at the same time as you then you have a problem too.

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Many women do have an inferiority complex, because they have been intimidated by men and treated as inferior beings not entitled to be equal to men. The press is full of instances of this. Try reading a little more than the Sheffield forum and you will quickly learn how much of the world treats women.


I suggest that if you feel insulted by a woman not wishing to swim at the same time as you then you have a problem too.


Women are capable of looking after thenselves, they are not victims.

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Women are capable of looking after thenselves, they are not victims.


I did not claim that women are victims, merely that SOME are not treated as equal to men and that they AS YOU SAID have an inferiority complex. You said " I would take it as an insult" does that mean that you are a victim or have been insulted by some people not wanting to be with you at some time. We all live by our experiences and most of us behave according to those experiences. Some women have appalling experiences of men behaving badly. Surely having a few women only sessions in various leisure facilities is not depriving you of respect but respecting the needs of women who wish to swim without the male gaze. If you want all male sessions as a mark of equality then campaign for them as women campaigned for years to get what little equality they have been afforded.

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I did not claim that women are victims, merely that SOME are not treated as equal to men and that they AS YOU SAID have an inferiority complex. You said " I would take it as an insult" does that mean that you are a victim or have been insulted by some people not wanting to be with you at some time. We all live by our experiences and most of us behave according to those experiences. Some women have appalling experiences of men behaving badly. Surely having a few women only sessions in various leisure facilities is not depriving you of respect but respecting the needs of women who wish to swim without the male gaze. If you want all male sessions as a mark of equality then campaign for them as women campaigned for years to get what little equality they have been afforded.


I didn't say they have an inferiority complex. I said they aren't victims.

They have equality and more. Third wave feminism has put it into some women's heads that they are victims.


I put it to you men are the victims in all of this fall out. :confused:

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Many women do have an inferiority complex, because they have been intimidated by men and treated as inferior beings not entitled to be equal to men. The press is full of instances of this. Try reading a little more than the Sheffield forum and you will quickly learn how much of the world treats women.


I suggest that if you feel insulted by a woman not wishing to swim at the same time as you then you have a problem too.[/quote



I have no problem, because I have no wish to segregate myself from anybody.

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So, anyway, my mate's missus buys him a round with the pro at The Royal Liverpool at Hoylake as a Christmas present.


My girlfriend at the time thinks "what a great idea" do you mind if I copy? Absolutely not, my mate's missus says, we can go to the Trafford Centre while they bash their balls round the course.


Anyway, when the round with the pro was over (our game's having been dismantled and only partly re-assembled) we were enjoying drinks in the bar. We looked at the clock and realise that the girls were overdue to pick us up. I then remember that they were wearing jeans and so I asked the pro if the women would be allowed in the bar wearing jeans.


The pro looked horrified "Women? In our bar?"


It's the way he said it! Still amuses me and my mate.


Apparently Hoylake has had women members for a long time, but not in that bar!


Aside: Up until 1961, the PGA in America was only for people "of the Caucasian race."


Things do change, but less quickly in golf than elsewhere.

Edited by DrNorm
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From what I've experienced of this modern day feminism, it seems that they are only interested in creating 'equality' on a financial and status level. I don't see any of the feminazi's busting a gut to get to places like India and Africa to stop the mistreatment of females in horrific circumstances. All they appear to care about is 'the wage gap' (which doesn't exist) and becoming 'more equal' than men.


Women are excluded from some male organized clubs, and men are excluded from some female organized clubs. It's a none story...

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Do you see many men doing that? Or is that most people are concerned with problems that affect themselves first?


Hehe. So true. If you cannot look after yourself then how can you look after anyone else.


---------- Post added 01-06-2016 at 20:33 ----------


I didn't say they have an inferiority complex. I said they aren't victims.

They have equality and more. Third wave feminism has put it into some women's heads that they are victims.


I put it to you men are the victims in all of this fall out. :confused:


Sorry I was tired and got a little confused between posts.


I have to disagree that they have equality and more.

Every time wages are looked at it shows a disparity between the earnings of men and the earnings of women. This is due in part to the attitude to women on child bearing and rearing and how domestic responsibilities are apportioned in the general perception and attitude of employers.

Some people are always more equal than others, a little like Animal Farm.

Some people will always use the "Victim" cry as a tool to manipulate others into complying with their desires.

I do not think that men are victims in general, because they have always had the freedom of movement and earning powers that women have been restricted in because of their childbearing and child caring responsibilities. Some people allow themselves to become victims because they have feelings around worthiness and or responsibilities engendered by upbringing: others become arrogant and autocratic by upbringing. Change happens either slowly or fast depending on how violent people are prepared to be. In general the population prefers not to be violent so change is slow.

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