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Golf! the exclusion of women.

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Hehe. So true. If you cannot look after yourself then how can you look after anyone else.


---------- Post added 01-06-2016 at 20:33 ----------



Sorry I was tired and got a little confused between posts.


I have to disagree that they have equality and more.

Every time wages are looked at it shows a disparity between the earnings of men and the earnings of women. This is due in part to the attitude to women on child bearing and rearing and how domestic responsibilities are apportioned in the general perception and attitude of employers.

Some people are always more equal than others, a little like Animal Farm.

Some people will always use the "Victim" cry as a tool to manipulate others into complying with their desires.

I do not think that men are victims in general, because they have always had the freedom of movement and earning powers that women have been restricted in because of their childbearing and child caring responsibilities. Some people allow themselves to become victims because they have feelings around worthiness and or responsibilities engendered by upbringing: others become arrogant and autocratic by upbringing. Change happens either slowly or fast depending on how violent people are prepared to be. In general the population prefers not to be violent so change is slow.


The wage gap is based on the fact women dont work as long hours as men. They choose to have babies and take on different roles in the workforce.

But given the same jobs they are paid the same. There's no gap.


It's great being a women in 2016. Men have to go to war, have no rights over the children & are 4 times more likely to be depressed and suicidal.


---------- Post added 01-06-2016 at 23:31 ----------


From what I've experienced of this modern day feminism, it seems that they are only interested in creating 'equality' on a financial and status level. I don't see any of the feminazi's busting a gut to get to places like India and Africa to stop the mistreatment of females in horrific circumstances. All they appear to care about is 'the wage gap' (which doesn't exist) and becoming 'more equal' than men.


Women are excluded from some male organized clubs, and men are excluded from some female organized clubs. It's a none story...


Feminism is good. It's third wave feminism spoiling it for women & anti men.

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The wage gap is based on the fact women dont work as long hours as men. They choose to have babies and take on different roles in the workforce.

But given the same jobs they are paid the same. There's no gap.


It's great being a women in 2016. Men have to go to war, have no rights over the children & are 4 times more likely to be depressed and suicidal.


---------- Post added 01-06-2016 at 23:31 ----------



Feminism is good. It's third wave feminism spoiling it for women & anti men.


Exactly - the 'wage gap' is based on actual earnings, not salary. Also, it's funny how they claim underrepresentation in the boardroom, but yet none of them cite manual jobs like binmen, builders, plumbers etc. By that same token, men don't seem to be encouraged by feminists to venture in to 'beauty' and nursing, despite the fact that a lot of feminists claim that feminism supports male rights too. If we go down this route EVERYONE could claim oppression for one thing or another.

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Exactly - the 'wage gap' is based on actual earnings, not salary. Also, it's funny how they claim underrepresentation in the boardroom, but yet none of them cite manual jobs like binmen, builders, plumbers etc. By that same token, men don't seem to be encouraged by feminists to venture in to 'beauty' and nursing, despite the fact that a lot of feminists claim that feminism supports male rights too. If we go down this route EVERYONE could claim oppression for one thing or another.


The wage gap is based on overall earnings of male and female population. discrimination is still possible between the female wage earner and the male wage earner for several reasons. One is the overall perception of women their role in families and need to have an income equal to a man. There is still a prevalent attitude that women are supported by a male wage and their money is for their own use and little luxuries that their work is not as valuable and necessary and that the time they give to the job should somehow dictate the price per hour of their work.


When I worked full time as a Gardener and my job was reviewed as per employers policy at the time, my skills were not valued as highly as the male workers who traditionally carried out different tasks. I challenged my employers decision on my grading by asking them to explain why the men's skills deserved a higher wage grade and received a higher grading. But I was unofficially asked to keep quiet about it. Many women would not have the confidence to do a challenge in similar circumstances for fear of losing their job. Women are gradually entering work where men are dominant in numbers, this is not easy.

Most women entering a male dominated field experience discrimination and bullying. My own daughter is a gas fitter. As an apprentice the other apprentices were mostly threatened by her presence and tried to bully her out of the group. She came home in tears on more than one occasion, but she stuck at it as she had always dreamed of being somewhere in the building-plumbing trades as her father was and I saw it as an opportunity for her to earn enough to be independent of relying on a man for support.

Males are no doubt going through a tough time with role changes as are women but when has life not been tough especially for people of low earning and influence capacity. Male suicides are linked to much more than equality with women. We see bullying by men of men who they perceive to be weaker than them in some way yet also as a threat. Lack of work is often linked to suicide and youth suicide has increased dramatically for many reasons.


---------- Post added 02-06-2016 at 09:47 ----------


The wage gap is based on the fact women dont work as long hours as men. They choose to have babies and take on different roles in the workforce.

But given the same jobs they are paid the same. There's no gap.


It's great being a women in 2016. Men have to go to war, have no rights over the children & are 4 times more likely to be depressed and suicidal.


---------- Post added 01-06-2016 at 23:31 ----------



Feminism is good. It's third wave feminism spoiling it for women & anti men.

Women also go to war in the second World war women ran the munitions factories that were bombed and suffered industrial injuries producing armaments as well as undercover work behind the lines. very few of them have been honoured. My own Grandmother was in Charge of a crane in a steelworks.

Men do have rights over children but not outright as in former years when if a woman was badly abused by her husband and left him( a brave thing to do) she would automatically lose her children. Women used to be forced into certain roles that were kept lowly paid and in the power of men because controlling fertility was difficult, this has become easier but only for some women( too complicated to go into here)women do not always choose to have babies it is forced on them Men are not capable of having babies but want them and yet they, or at least some of them, want women to be penalised for bearing and caring for them. Change without outright violent revoloution is slow, but too fast for some and not fast enough for others.

Choosing a job is only possible when the job market is conducive to doing so. Even those who have trained rigorously for years can find that the market for their skills has changed and they need to change track. I do agree that painting all women as victims is not accurate but many are still disadvantaged. The difference these days is that boys from lower income families have just as hard a time through the inherent conditions they are born into. That is what we as Males Females and society in general we need to work for change in.

Edited by Margarita Ma
Added text.
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Exactly - the 'wage gap' is based on actual earnings, not salary. Also, it's funny how they claim underrepresentation in the boardroom, but yet none of them cite manual jobs like binmen, builders, plumbers etc. By that same token, men don't seem to be encouraged by feminists to venture in to 'beauty' and nursing, despite the fact that a lot of feminists claim that feminism supports male rights too. If we go down this route EVERYONE could claim oppression for one thing or another.


Yes it's funny how they reject the dirty / dangerous jobs.

Double like. :cool:

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