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Deal over Turkey joining the EU?

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Oh dear,

"REVEALED: British officials HELPING Turkey’s EU bid as Osborne claims country WON’T join"



So on the one had the UK is powerless with the EU and constantly being trampled down, then on the other hand they have the power to get Turkey admitted to the EU?

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Germany has benefited from mass turkish inward migration.

We do not need 80 million turks descending on our small Isle.

We simply do not need the numbers.


What on Earth are you talking about? Even if Turkey joined, you think ALL 80 MILLION would suddenly decend on our shores?


Poland joined the EU in 2004. Did we have nearly 40 million suddenly enter the UK? No, so stop talking nonsense.

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So on the one had the UK is powerless with the EU and constantly being trampled down, then on the other hand they have the power to get Turkey admitted to the EU?


They have very little power I'd say 1 in 28 but it doesn't stop them trying to help Turkey.

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So even by your own admission its nothing to worry about.


It's everything to worry about if Dodgy Dave is involved, he's the one who said Turkey had no chance of joining, yet here we are with the government trying to help them join.

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It's everything to worry about if Dodgy Dave is involved, he's the one who said Turkey had no chance of joining, yet here we are with the government trying to help them join.


You just said that the UK has very little power in the EU!!!!

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Use your crystal ball, it's as good as mine and anyone else's ;)


FWIW, my crystal ball (informed as it is by factual EU legislation and a modicum of knowledge about international politics) says that this veto on accession will never be repealed: it's enshrined in the TFEU (Article 49, specifically), the most fundamental and important piece of legislation that sets up the EU, and has been present in every Treaty since the first setting out the ECSC.


And the TFEU cannot be amended without unanimity from the EU member states: Article 48 TFEU guarantees that each Member State (including the UK) has the power to veto any amendment to the EU Treaties (including the TFEU itself).


That means your "unknown unknowns" aimed at curbing the veto on new member accession would have to be agreed by every last all EU country. That's before the question of letting Turkey (or any other country) in under Art.49 is tabled.


For a start, and besides other EU countries with more 'serious' governments, neither Greece nor Cyprus will ever allow Turkey to join until the northern question is resolved, and Hungary will never allow Turkey to join either so long as Orban/his party are in power.


So long as Erdogan and his clique are in power (and as they have been busy consolidating that power for a few years now, gradually eroding the constitutional secularity established by Atatürk way-back-when and dragging Turkey back through muslimification), it's never going to happen. Even after Erdogan is eventually gone and Turkey's secularity restored in anger, it would still take a long while until the country gets its collective <removed> sufficiently in order to meet the conditions under the 35 accession chapters at their most basic (which it never did even before Erdogan surfaced and the country veered sharply islamo-nationalist).


Which is why I replied to truman the other day (who was asking me whether I thought Turkey could ever join the EU) "not gonna happen in decades".


Not always a fan of your posts loob but i like and appreciate this one.


---------- Post added 12-06-2016 at 14:08 ----------


Seen a copy of tomorrows Express, Austraila will be joining the EUnext week, followed by Iran - we'll all be in Bhurkas by Friday.


Get a grip for gods sake.


How will we eat the plentiful Turkish kebabs with burkhas on?

Edited by nikki-red
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