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Deal over Turkey joining the EU?

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OK I,m wrong Putin will welcome NATO right up to his border with open arms.


It is my belief that Putin could not let such occurrence go unchallenged, if he does then Belarus could follow. It is just my opinion that we may enter another cold war or even a hot war either directly or by proxy (Putin is arming the rebels in Ukraine now).


Guess we will just have to wait and see. It is speculation on my part.


What's he going to do????????


---------- Post added 12-06-2016 at 19:26 ----------


He was accusing the EU of being 'expansionist,' something he has often been accused of.


He really doesn't want an European empire encroaching on 'his' territory anymore than we would like it the other way round.


Ukraine isn't 'his' territory.

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Russia have as far as I am aware never set any laws or regulations that I have to follow unlike the eu. I do not bow down to them as you say, if all else fails we can always nuke them but the ruskies have a lot more nukes than us:hihi:


Ukraine can decide to do what they want I am merely pointing out that Putin may not be happy about it.


---------- Post added 12-06-2016 at 20:31 ----------


Chalga I have already said we could enter another cold war or a hot war.


I have no idea what Putin "is going to do", I merely speculate as I cannot read his mind. His past actions tend to lean towards aggressive movements so I assume he may continue in that vein.

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Russia have as far as I am aware never set any laws or regulations that I have to follow unlike the eu. I do not bow down to them as you say, if all else fails we can always nuke them but the ruskies have a lot more nukes than us:hihi:


Ukraine can decide to do what they want I am merely pointing out that Putin may not be happy about it.


---------- Post added 12-06-2016 at 20:31 ----------


Chalga I have already said we could enter another cold war or a hot war.


I have no idea what Putin "is going to do", I merely speculate as I cannot read his mind. His past actions tend to lean towards aggressive movements so I assume he may continue in that vein.


So you've no idea what we have to 'get ready' for,just guessing?

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Ok Chalga, I think Putin is certainly deranged enough to start a war, will he use nukes quite possibly. Again it is my speculation, you know a bit like all the people who are speculating about what may or may not happen should we stay or leave the eu.

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Ok Chalga, I think Putin is certainly deranged enough to start a war, will he use nukes quite possibly. Again it is my speculation, you know a bit like all the people who are speculating about what may or may not happen should we stay or leave the eu.


You think that it is quite possible the Putin will use nukes? What have you done to prepare yourself and your family for this possibility?

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Ok Chalga, I think Putin is certainly deranged enough to start a war, will he use nukes quite possibly. Again it is my speculation, you know a bit like all the people who are speculating about what may or may not happen should we stay or leave the eu.


Looks like predicting wars is getting popular,Cameron,now you.

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Who knows who would ever be stupid enough to use them.

The only country that has nukes but never admitted it and have a policy is Israel. I visited there in the late 90s and got chatting with a couple of IDF officers in a bar where the subject came up.

They said that Israel did not officially have any nukes but if they did they would only ever use them to avoid a genocide being enacted on their people. But obviously this was never likely to happen as all the countries surrounding them and in the near vicinity love Israel.

Israel operates a policy of nuclear ambiguity but are believed to posess between 80 to 400 warheads, the Uk has 225, the yields are not known


---------- Post added 12-06-2016 at 21:03 ----------


If I could afford a shelter I would have built one years ago.

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Not really much point Nixon, as of 2014 Russia has 8000 warheads with USA at 7300 other 7 nations approx 1018. Should think the yield is many megatons. If it happens we are dust.


Should really get this thread back to turkey, you can always start a new thread about this.

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Why are we still discussing Turkey?


It's a scare tactic from the Brexiters, nothing more.


Gove is still lying on the news about it tonight, even talking about 'the government' like he isn't even part of a government that fully knows Turkey has zero prospect of joining.

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