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Deal over Turkey joining the EU?

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Why are we still discussing Turkey?


It's a scare tactic from the Brexiters, nothing more.


Gove is still lying on the news about it tonight, even talking about 'the government' like he wasn't even part of a government that fully knows Turkey has zero prospect of joining.


Apparently there's an old video of Boris Johnson singing the praises of Turkey joining the EU doing the rounds on Facebook.

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Who is Putin to tell the Ukrainians what to do. Surely it should be up to Ukraine to decide themselves?


Who are theEU to tell the British what to do. Surely ot should be up to the British to decide themselves....

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Or maybe he's just a self serving arse without a principle in his body


With him as our PM and Trump as President, what hope is there for the West. Soon our only options will be whether we need to learn Mandarin or Cantonese.


---------- Post added 12-06-2016 at 21:40 ----------


Who are theEU to tell the British what to do. Surely ot should be up to the British to decide themselves....


That is fantastic, you are really funny! Thanks for making me laugh with your comparison of Putin's actions with the EU. Who says that the golden age of comedy is dead! :hihi:

Edited by JFKvsNixon
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Ok Chalga, I think Putin is certainly deranged enough to start a war, will he use nukes quite possibly. Again it is my speculation, you know a bit like all the people who are speculating about what may or may not happen should we stay or leave the eu.


Don't kid yourself that Putin is deranged - far from it, he's a very shrewd operator. I doubt very much he would consider using nukes. However he wouldn't take kindly to the EU absorbing territories in his heartland. He might even turn towards an alliance with China. Now, they have an old score to settle....

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Don't kid yourself that Putin is deranged - far from it, he's a very shrewd operator. I doubt very much he would consider using nukes. However he wouldn't take kindly to the EU absorbing territories in his heartland. He might even turn towards an alliance with China. Now, they have an old score to settle....


What about the rather old fashioned view of allowing the people of Ukraine to decide their own fate?

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