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Deal over Turkey joining the EU?

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Funny how non of the pronounced Brexiteers find it necessary to react, isn't it? Reality dawning?


What reality is it that you think is dawning? That politicians are two-faced and flip-flop? You think people are only just awakening to this reality?


The flip-flopping and politicking of Boris and others is of no interest. Boris and this government will be judged on what they do and not what they say or have previously said. They will end free movement or pay the price. And that doesn't mean a return of Labour... the political tide is moving rapidly in the other direction.

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What reality is it that you think is dawning? That politicians are two-faced and flip-flop? You think people are only just awakening to this reality?


The flip-flopping and politicking of Boris and others is of no interest. Boris and this government will be judged on what they do and not what they say or have previously said. They will end free movement or pay the price. And that doesn't mean a return of Labour... the political tide is moving rapidly in the other direction.


You still don't understand, do you? Your government is going to sign treaties with the likes of Turkey on all sorts, very likely including free movement of some sort. Have you not yet grasped why the current government agenda now is all about free trade and not about immigration? Wasn't it immigration that they spearheaded their campaign with? Odd how that has swung around, isn't it?


You are living in a country with a more neoliberal government than this world has ever seen - everything for free trade. Personally, I am quite encouraged by that, but just wait until the immigration topic creeps in again.


If you think your Brexit vote helped your kids, explain to them in 20 years that it is great that they earn the same as the kids in Brazil, after all, we have a free trade agreement!

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You still don't understand, do you? Your government is going to sign treaties with the likes of Turkey on all sorts, very likely including free movement of some sort. Have you not yet grasped why the current government agenda now is all about free trade and not about immigration? Wasn't it immigration that they spearheaded their campaign with? Odd how that has swung around, isn't it?


You are living in a country with a more neoliberal government than this world has ever seen - everything for free trade. Personally, I am quite encouraged by that, but just wait until the immigration topic creeps in again.


If you think your Brexit vote helped your kids, explain to them in 20 years that it is great that they earn the same as the kids in Brazil, after all, we have a free trade agreement!


What is your basis for saying we are likely to include free movement with any Turkey negotiations? It would be unnaceptable.

Why do you think we will earn as little as Brazil per capita in 20 years? Is that just drama queen scaremongering or do you have anything to back this up? Our per cpaita income is 5x that of Brazil.

Yes its about Free Trade at the moment, but the other issue it has to be balanced with is immigration which they understand. They will seek to be able to control it in some way. I dont think it has swung round, its just a fact we have to talk about both issues. It would be easy to stop immigration, but that has a knock on effect on trade, so they are trying to discuss both areas.

Edited by 999tigger
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See! So much negativity about Brexit.

Do you pace your living room at night waiting for the next negative media snippet to emerge so you can post a link?

Things are just lovely.

Peace out.


Yes, it's as though they want Brexit to be a big failure. :roll:


It's as though they want a massive economic crash. :clap:


It's as though they want a recession. :partyhat:


It's as though they want a deep depression. :nod:


Just so they can say "I told you so" :banana::banana:

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Boris said yesterday he full supports Turkey's entry into the EU but whats it got to do with him.


Because he is our Foreign Secretary? Keep up.


He's supported Turkey being part of the EU for ages whilst at the same time demanding the EU curb migrants. Odd stance to hold. Odd man.

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What is your basis for saying we are likely to include free movement with any Turkey negotiations? It would be unnaceptable.

Why do you think we will earn as little as Brazil per capita in 20 years? Is that just drama queen scaremongering or do you have anything to back this up? Our per cpaita income is 5x that of Brazil.

Yes its about Free Trade at the moment, but the other issue it has to be balanced with is immigration which they understand. They will seek to be able to control it in some way. I dont think it has swung round, its just a fact we have to talk about both issues. It would be easy to stop immigration, but that has a knock on effect on trade, so they are trying to discuss both areas.


My vision for the EU is that it develops into a global union of democratic nations. Ensuring there is a joint approach to global issues that disregard national borders. That is BJ's philosophy as well, he just doesn't have the balls to say it.


What the current Tory government want is a full equal economical playing field in proper neo-liberal fashion - eliminate all barriers and provide a chance to all people within that system.


I genuinely believe in that, I don't believe in the Tories delivering, considering their track record.


As part of that vision in the long term wages on a global level will balance out (The Dutch call this the Nivelerend (nebula) effect) - it will cost the working classes in rich countries *like the UK* but benefit the working classes in poor countries *like Brazil*. In the meantime it will certainly benefit those at an advantage financially (which I would want to eliminate, as does the current EU commission).


You make of that what you will, but remember that BJ going to Turkey with this bubble on offer is a clear indicator of what I just described being spot on.

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Because he is our Foreign Secretary? Keep up.


He's supported Turkey being part of the EU for ages whilst at the same time demanding the EU curb migrants. Odd stance to hold. Odd man.

More to the point, he's one of the three ministers charged with implementing Brexit by the PM so pointing out him being so keen on supporting Turkey and that it might implications for our post Brexit trade deals isn't just idle gossip.


---------- Post added 29-09-2016 at 22:03 ----------


Yes, it's as though they want Brexit to be a big failure. :roll:


It's as though they want a massive economic crash. :clap:


It's as though they want a recession. :partyhat:


It's as though they want a deep depression. :nod:


Just so they can say "I told you so" :banana::banana:

No, it's just pointing out what might actually happen post Brexit so people can consider what their future might hold.


Insisting it's going to be all sunbeams and rainbows and fluffy kittens like many brexit supporters seem to be doing (and did before the vote) isn't going to help anyone.

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