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Deal over Turkey joining the EU?

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Uncontrolled like the fully-controllable non-EU immigration (superior in numbers to 'uncontrolled' EU immigration) has been? :hihi:


You will note that I said 'free movement must end and immigration must be brought under control or this government will not survive.' Immigration from outside the EU is not properly under control and certainly needs improving but it is nowhere near as bad as having the near zero control of free movement.


You are wrong on this one, making the usual mistake of confounding access conditions for membership conditions.


The US does not have full access ('free' trade) to the Single Market, but a facilitated access relative to standard WTO rules.


Which is a very long way away from full access to the Single Market, that level of access being what free movement of people (alongside the other 3 freedoms) must be given as a counterpart for.


'Free' trade between the US and the EU is 'free' in name only, why else do you think the US has been trying to push its TTIP so hard?


I didn't say the US had free or full access to the Single Market did I? I said that free movement is not a requirement that the EU has put on the negotiating table as it discusses a free trade deal (TTIP) with the US. If the EU is considering a free trade deal with the US that doesn't require the free movement of people then that tells us it isn't a 'red line' barrier to a free trade deal doesn't it?


---------- Post added 30-09-2016 at 17:29 ----------


Yes. Millions of gullible idiots voted for Brexit for that reason. It was Johnson and Gove's main slogan, painted right across their battle bus. And they're not going to deliver. Put that on top of the tariffs that will be imposed on our imports and exports when we leave the customs union and the Tories won't be flavour of the month.


You don't know many people who voted for Brexit do you? Anyone on here that voted to leave on the basis we'd spend £350m a week extra on the NHS? Are you going to be angry if that doesn't happen and stop voting Tory (as opposed to continuing to not vote Tory) as a result?


Don't hold your breath waiting for a reply LeMaquis... the millions you refer to don't exist except in the minds of disgruntled Remainers like yourself.

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You will note that I said 'free movement must end and immigration must be brought under control or this government will not survive.' Immigration from outside the EU is not properly under control and certainly needs improving but it is nowhere near as bad as having the near zero control of free movement.




I didn't say the US had free or full access to the Single Market did I? I said that free movement is not a requirement that the EU has put on the negotiating table as it discusses a free trade deal (TTIP) with the US. If the EU is considering a free trade deal with the US that doesn't require the free movement of people then that tells us it isn't a 'red line' barrier to a free trade deal doesn't it?


Good point. TTIP is primarily about removing non-tariff barriers to trade (if you like, about the 'three freedoms' of goods, service and capital). The 'fourth freedom', i.e. free movement of people) is not part of the negotiations, which gives the lie to the dogma that relatively comprehensive trade deals, such as TTIP must include freedom of movement. Nor, for that matter, is freedom of movement a feature of most other regional blocs (NAFTA or ASEAN are obvious examples where it does not apply).

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... the millions you refer to don't exist except in the minds of disgruntled Remainers like yourself.


They don't exist but Johnson and Gove had them painted on the side of their battle bus. How strange. And brexiteers on here were forever banging on about saving £50 million a day from EU withdrawal. How strange.

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Do you really think there is anyone out there that is so stupid that they believed (or wants) the entire EU spend to be redirected to the NHS?


Yes, I can imagine many Brexiters were stupid enough to believe it.


Here you go, complete with BoJo the Clown's trademark hair ruffling.



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Get over it Remoaners, you lost, we Brexiteers did the business and won, handsomely.


As for Turkey joining the EU, who gives a flying fig who joins, we are leaving that's the main event.




As expected, spectacularly missing the point Angel. Boris isn't doing this kissy-hugging because he thinks Turkey will in fact join the EU, he is doing it because he thinks it is a great way to mollycoddle Turkey so they can sign a free trade agreement.

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Get over it Remoaners, you lost, we Brexiteers did the business and won, handsomely.




Ill just leave this here then.


"In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the Remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it."



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Yes, I can imagine many Brexiters were stupid enough to believe it.


Here you go, complete with BoJo the Clown's trademark hair ruffling.




Go find someone then that will tell us how they voted for Brexit because they wanted £350m a week additional spend on the NHS. Let them tell us how they normally vote Tory and will never do so again if it doesn't happen. It's going to be a long wait. It is hilarious that those on the liberal-left simply cannot understand why other people don't think like them and, even when they are told, they don't like the answer and feel the need to start making stuff up to provide themselves with (false) hope that people will change their minds.


I am sorry but people aren't about to come to their senses after being duped by unscrupulous politicians. The fact is that the vast majority people are anti-mass immigration because their experience of it has been negative - politicians have responded to public opinion not the other way round. Free movement is no acceptable and the government had best realise that as they start negotiating free trade deals with the EU, Turkey and others.

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Go find someone then that will tell us how they voted for Brexit because they wanted £350m a week additional spend on the NHS. Let them tell us how they normally vote Tory and will never do so again if it doesn't happen. It's going to be a long wait. It is hilarious that those on the liberal-left simply cannot understand why other people don't think like them and, even when they are told, they don't like the answer and feel the need to start making stuff up to provide themselves with (false) hope that people will change their minds.


I am sorry but people aren't about to come to their senses after being duped by unscrupulous politicians. The fact is that the vast majority people are anti-mass immigration because their experience of it has been negative - politicians have responded to public opinion not the other way round. Free movement is no acceptable and the government had best realise that as they start negotiating free trade deals with the EU, Turkey and others.


Go to BBC comments section on any EU related (and sometimes ANY topic) or if you really want weapons grade idiocy try Yahoo comments. There are loads who think the drawbridge is coming up for good we're sending the immigrants back and the NHS will be saved to the tune of £350million. They are legion.

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