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Deal over Turkey joining the EU?

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People need to know the truth. Turkey by 2020. Albania and the rest in a generation.


Albania has more chance than Turkey of getting in.


Until the Turks leave Cyprus, which has been entrenched since 1974 there's no way Greece is even going to sit at a table discussing serious accession talks. Let alone even talk to the Turks.


AS Loob says, I confidently expect do die in my bed many decades from now and Turkey will still be on the fringes of Europe wanting in. They have to decide how much they want Cyprus, and to keep their traditions that are askance with the ECHR.

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Isn't it the Brexit lot that are getting excited about Turkey joining the EU?


So whilst you're deciding upon how your vote will go on this crucial junction in our country's destiny, do you think that Cyprus or Greece will vote to accept Turkey if Turkey meets all the entrance criteria, of which they are a long way from doing so.


Once you've thought these issues through, surely you'll conclude that there isn't any danger of Turkey, in it's present form, joining the EU. So as a result you'll be voting to remain in the EU.


Turkey is enough reason to come out. As you say yourself, when Turkey meet the criteria they may be in, and then Iraq and then whoever. It doesn't know where to say stop anymore.

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Turkey is enough reason to come out. As you say yourself, when Turkey meet the criteria they may be in, and then Iraq and then whoever. It doesn't know where to say stop anymore.


I think you may need to re-read what I've posted.


I never said - when Turkey meet the criteria they may be in. I said that I can't see them meeting the criteria, and then even if they did I can't see them passing the vote from the other EU members to allow them to join the EU.


The argument over Turkey and our EU referendum is a complete red herring by the Brexit side. If this is their best argument and I was a Brexit supporter I'd have serious concerns.

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So what is it doing about it .
I'm glad you asked :)


The EU has never recognised the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.


It means no diplomatic relations, it means no agreements about trade or anything else, it means no structural and non-structural investments, it means no people/goods/capital transfers...it means, basically, everything that you'd expect to take place between two co-existing states for conducting normal day-to-day inter-state business, not taking place.


The EU doesn't treat northern Cyprus any differently to Russia (in fact, from a sum total point of view, it probably treats northern Cyprus worse than Russia even now still, under the continuing pressure and influence Greek Cypriots).


What more did you expect the EU to do? Invade?

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Until Turkey leaves Cyprus and sorts out it's human rights issue it's got no chance in hell of joining the EU.


That actually suits everyone just fine as we don't really want the EU to directly boarder the middle east.

Currently we have this tidy little buffer zone in Turkey where people are effectively dumped, we setup an agreement to take a few that we like the look of but the vast majority are still there.

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I think you may need to re-read what I've posted.


I never said - when Turkey meet the criteria they may be in. I said that I can't see them meeting the criteria, and then even if they did I can't see them passing the vote from the other EU members to allow them to join the EU.


The argument over Turkey and our EU referendum is a complete red herring by the Brexit side. If this is their best argument and I was a Brexit supporter I'd have serious concerns.


Well I would hope that it's more of a debate than an argument, but it's enough for me.

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Well I would hope that it's more of a debate than an argument, but it's enough for me.


So the Brexit supporters argument, in which I mean a reason or set of reasons given in support of an idea, that Turkey is going to join the EU soon. Even though there isn't any evidence to support their claim, is enough to pursued you?


I heard that the remain group have promised magic beans for every one that votes to stay in! That must be a winning argument for you.

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I'm glad you asked :)


The EU has never recognised the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.


It means no diplomatic relations, it means no agreements about trade or anything else, it means no structural and non-structural investments, it means no people/goods/capital transfers...it means, basically, everything that you'd expect to take place between two co-existing states for conducting normal day-to-day inter-state business, not taking place.


The EU doesn't treat northern Cyprus any differently to Russia (in fact, from a sum total point of view, it probably treats northern Cyprus worse than Russia even now still, under the continuing pressure and influence Greek Cypriots).


What more did you expect the EU to do? Invade?

Well that is what Turkey has done to a Union member and we are supposed to defend all our members arn't we?

By the way Turkey has still refused to recognise the Genocide they committed against little Armenia. another stumbling block for this nation( as we speak) is waging war on the minority Kurds in the East of the Country.

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So the Brexit supporters argument, in which I mean a reason or set of reasons given in support of an idea, that Turkey is going to join the EU soon. Even though there isn't any evidence to support their claim, is enough to pursued you?


I heard that the remain group have promised magic beans for every one that votes to stay in! That must be a winning argument for you.


Magic beans?!?? I voting out!


That said, it's a better argument than IDS claiming there won't be a recession once we vote out. It might work out better for us in the long term for all I know but if thinks there won't be a big hit to the economy initially he's either a liar or a fool.

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