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Deal over Turkey joining the EU?

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Well that is what Turkey has done to a Union member
and therefore why there's positively and absolutely zero chance of Turkey acceding the EU until and unless that's sorted.


(as an aside, Turkey invaded northern Cyprus in 1974, 30 years before Cyprus became an EU member in 2004; I thought you might appreciate a bit of historical perspective ;))

and we are supposed to defend all our members arn't we?
Are you mistaking the EU for NATO? :huh:

By the way Turkey has still refused to recognise the Genocide they committed against little Armenia. another stumbling block for this nation( as we speak) is waging war on the minority Kurds in the East of the Country.
Indeed, and therefore still less likelihood of Turkey joining the EU, as you correctly understand :) Edited by L00b
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Albania has more chance than Turkey of getting in.


Until the Turks leave Cyprus, which has been entrenched since 1974 there's no way Greece is even going to sit at a table discussing serious accession talks. Let alone even talk to the Turks.


AS Loob says, I confidently expect do die in my bed many decades from now and Turkey will still be on the fringes of Europe wanting in. They have to decide how much they want Cyprus, and to keep their traditions that are askance with the ECHR.


Albania? even more reason to vote out. Thanks for that.


---------- Post added 23-05-2016 at 13:11 ----------


Haven't we been through the difference between opinions and facts before, or are you still struggling to understand what seems to be for you a difficult concept?


No that's fantasy. Everybody knows Turkey are knocking on the door and Cameron is powerless to stop it.

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You already explained it, if they are working here legally they can claim.
Well, that was my understanding indeed, but you disagreed with it, so I'm afraid I'm none the wiser :(


How can Turks (and other non-EU) work legally in the UK with a tourist visa?

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Well, that was my understanding indeed, but you disagreed with it, so I'm afraid I'm none the wiser :(


How can Turks (and other non-EU) work legally in the UK with a tourist visa?


Who said they could work with a tourist visa?

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Who said they could work with a tourist visa?
I'm asking you, since that is what your sequence of one liners strongly suggests, which is what I'm left with in the continuing absence of any clear reply and explanations :roll:


tzijlstra said, quite correctly, that Turks who would get the right to travel visa free (ND: within Schengen) would not get the right to work visa free work (ND: within Schengen).


That was in reply to Zamo's post claiming that Turks can claim tax credits thanks to an EU ruling back in 2014, correcting Zamo's inference that Turks could just waltz into the UK and claim (and which is complete b****x, unsurprisingly).


That EU ruling was about Turks with a (time-limited) residence permit in the UK, if you bother to read it, and applied (and continues to apply) to persons who are:

a national of Macedonia or Turkey and is lawfully present in UK. This may apply where a person has leave to enter or remain for a period which means she/he is lawfully present. However, such people will have to satisfy the habitual residence and right to reside test set out in section 2 and temporary admission does not give a person a right to reside.

The same criteria applies to Turks and Macedonians who are lawfully present in the UK and are "retired or pregnant or looking after children or sick or disabled or widowed" (per Zamo's link, which you quoted).


It doesn't apply to Turks who have yet to get a Schengen tourism visa and, since the UK is not in Schengen, would yet have to be admitted in the UK 'lawfully' (and about which the UK can decide completely independently of the EU, since Turks are not EU nationals and since the Schengen tourism visa would not transform them into EU nationals).

Edited by L00b
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What is clear is that the Commissars at the EU have been busy making rules and regulations, millions of them, for years, that they can fiddle with, amend and invoke at will to suit themselves. While we, poor saps, know next to nothing about them. We just obey the results and wonder why our freedoms are being more and more curtailed and our way of life disappearing...


This is a long way from the Common Market, (membership; 7 or 8 countries,) trading organisation that we joined in 1973. If we knew then what we know now, would we have joined up to it? I very much doubt it...


Our Natural partners are, and always have been, the Commonwealth, (if they ever forgive us.) And the World, especially the new Bric countries and the developing world, are our market. We are an outward looking nation. We still have some worldwide vestiges of prestige, innovation and a reputation for integrity left, although it's fast disappearing.


We should use it while we still can.

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What is clear is that the Commissars at the EU have been busy making rules and regulations, millions of them, for years, that they can fiddle with, amend and invoke at will to suit themselves. While we, poor saps, know next to nothing about them. We just obey the results and wonder why our freedoms are being more and more curtailed and our way of life disappearing...


This is a long way from the Common Market, (membership; 7 or 8 countries,) trading organisation that we joined in 1973. If we knew then what we know now, would we have joined up to it? I very much doubt it...

Does the fact that you don't mention Turkey mean you realise that the claims in your first post were wrong?


Our Natural partners are, and always have been, the Commonwealth, (if they ever forgive us.) And the World, especially the new Bric countries and the developing world, are our market. We are an outward looking nation. We still have some worldwide vestiges of prestige, innovation and a reputation for integrity left, although it's fast disappearing.


We should use it while we still can.

The Commonwealth countries are busy making deals with China - like everyone else. The only reason we were their major trading partner in the 1950's is because of the links formed when they were part of our Empire. They've had 60+ years to forge their own links with other countries and loosen their links with us since.

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