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Landrover part 3.

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Yes it involves a cyclist again. But not how you think... and not my vehicle...




So we are leaving Leeds, outside lane, and we coast up to the traffic lights.... now as the lights go red, the pedestrians start to cross, and on our side of the road, a well dressed expensively attired and obviously well to do young woman crossed over.


coming the other way is a scrote on a BMX, who proceeds to snatch the ladys handbag. Now my mate, with an eye "appreciating" the lady sees this, and just lets off the brake and the Landy creeps forwards on the autobox. Just in time to shut off the crossing so the scrote cannot escape.


So we get out to nab the thief, but we never got chance. Lady in question as it turns out is rather an expert in some form of martial arts and she'd nailed him before we even got chance to vault the barriers. I've never seen someone with Gucci heel marks around the head but that's where she kicked him.


Police were called etc.. and he's recovered and received a just award from the local beak apparently. I think he'll remember being kicked with those high heels more though.

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good stuff :)


my mate (middle aged and slightly chubby - sorry Stuart) got home one night to find two blokes in his hall, intent on doing the place over. One of the "visitors" was carry the telly and threw is at my mate - bad idea! Now my mate wasnt huge but he'd been a boxer since he was about 8. He dodged the telly, broke one chaps jaw and and decked the other, he was 'out' until the poice arrived . . .


Thankfully the police called it self defence

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good stuff :)


my mate (middle aged and slightly chubby - sorry Stuart) got home one night to find two blokes in his hall, intent on doing the place over. One of the "visitors" was carry the telly and threw is at my mate - bad idea! Now my mate wasnt huge but he'd been a boxer since he was about 8. He dodged the telly, broke one chaps jaw and and decked the other, he was 'out' until the poice arrived . . .


Thankfully the police called it self defence


Despite what you hear on the news the police are actually fairly smart about this sort of thing. I got mugged once by someone with a knife and I just smacked him with my crash helmet. He didn't wake up for a long time either.


No come back from the police at all, they just said it was clearly self defence and that was it. Sadly it cost me a crash helmet but there you go.

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Yea they'd have to be a real piece of work to even attempt to press charges, and even the the CPS would step in and tell them where to go.


It's only when someone dies they have to do a thorough investigation, like when that farmer shot a couple of travellers who were robbing him.

Edited by nikki-red
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