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Go and take a backup

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This message is repeated so often, and so often ignored.


There's a thread in the computer section right now, laptop HDD is dead, irreplaceable photos on it...


So, if you have anything important, take a copy. On another computer, on an external drive, on a blueray, or just in the cloud on a free dropbox account.

But don't put it off. Hard disks die, and they do it with little warning.



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This message is repeated so often, and so often ignored.


There's a thread in the computer section right now, laptop HDD is dead, irreplaceable photos on it...


So, if you have anything important, take a copy. On another computer, on an external drive, on a blueray, or just in the cloud on a free dropbox account.

But don't put it off. Hard disks die, and they do it with little warning.




I make backups often. Ive never taken one anywhere though.

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This message is repeated so often, and so often ignored.


There's a thread in the computer section right now, laptop HDD is dead, irreplaceable photos on it...


So, if you have anything important, take a copy. On another computer, on an external drive, on a blueray, or just in the cloud on a free dropbox account.

But don't put it off. Hard disks die, and they do it with little warning.




I put My stuff on 2separate usb sticks and a external hard drive

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This message is repeated so often, and so often ignored.


There's a thread in the computer section right now, laptop HDD is dead, irreplaceable photos on it...


So, if you have anything important, take a copy. On another computer, on an external drive, on a blueray, or just in the cloud on a free dropbox account.

But don't put it off. Hard disks die, and they do it with little warning.




I would advise people subscribe to an online backup service that takes away the need to perform backups yourself.


I pay for a iCloud: 200 GB Storage Plan that costs me £2.49 a month.

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Belt and braces - do cloud storage and have a traditional backup to a USB hard drive or stick - preferably stored at someone else's house, just offsite away from your existing setup.


Three copy rule for me - working copies, backup at home, and a backup offsite at the office. They get rotated every week, more frequently if a lot of work gets done.

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Wise words, and I'll add my tuppence: save your work-in-progress frequently, either with setting up a short autosave interval, or with ad hoc manual Crtl S.


Brownouts and outright power outages happen with no warning, and if you're working on a desktop without a UPC-like battery back-up, it can cost you.


Backup-wise, I follow Obelix' 3 rule (dual-HDD PC with mirroring drives, NAS (RAID'd), portable solid state USB drive), plus optical backups stored at M-I-L for the non-editable stuff (photos mostly).

Edited by L00b
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