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Blanket ban on 'Legal highs' enforced today.

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Peanuts anyone.


No thanks they make me incredibly puffy.


Looking in my bag of uncontrolled lethality from the supermarket I have


Apricots (cyanides)

A castor bean plant (ricin - let's hope MI5 are not listening)

Drain cleaner (a half kilo of sodium hydroxide)

Bleach (chlorine)

Tippex - you can still get it. With a very small amount of work you can easily make phosgene, one of the WW1 gases.


A leisure battery in the car (sulphuric acid)


There's lots of uncontrolled insanity if you want to set a semi competent chemist to it. You can with a little ingenuity even make organophosporus nerve gasses by buying the right things - and I'm not saying what they obviously!


The reason you can buy them is of course because people are generally to be trusted. I'd hate to think how difficult ordinary life would become if that were to change...

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There's also a benefit, children and people with less control than you will also find it more difficult to get hold of.

Which means if they do want to get hold of it, they have to go to greater, riskier, more expensive lengths. Hardly a benefit.

They find that legalization increased both marijuana use and marijuana abuse/dependence in people 21 or older.



Or, alternatively, once it's legalised more existing users finally admit to using it.

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No thanks they make me incredibly puffy.


Looking in my bag of uncontrolled lethality from the supermarket I have


Apricots (cyanides)

A castor bean plant (ricin - let's hope MI5 are not listening)

Drain cleaner (a half kilo of sodium hydroxide)

Bleach (chlorine)

Tippex - you can still get it. With a very small amount of work you can easily make phosgene, one of the WW1 gases.


A leisure battery in the car (sulphuric acid)


There's lots of uncontrolled insanity if you want to set a semi competent chemist to it. You can with a little ingenuity even make organophosporus nerve gasses by buying the right things - and I'm not saying what they obviously!


The reason you can buy them is of course because people are generally to be trusted. I'd hate to think how difficult ordinary life would become if that were to change...


Apricot seeds contain b17 a chemical found to have some amazing results on fighting cancer, lots of testimonial on the web. The cyanide is in a form broken down by the body and shouldn't be considered toxic. I wouldnt recommend eating bucket loads though.

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Apricot seeds contain b17 a chemical found to have some amazing results on fighting cancer, lots of testimonial on the web. The cyanide is in a form broken down by the body and shouldn't be considered toxic. I wouldnt recommend eating bucket loads though.


Utter ******.


Amygdalin is not a vitamin in any form, and no trial has ever shown it to have any effect whatsoever on curing cancer.


If the cyanide it produces isn't toxic then you would have no problems eating say thirty pits would you? I caution you that if you do that you will certainly die from cyanide poisoning. Apricot pits are lethal - for a child as few as six will be sufficient and fifteen will make most people very ill and kill a good number of them.

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Utter ******.


Amygdalin is not a vitamin in any form, and no trial has ever shown it to have any effect whatsoever on curing cancer.


If the cyanide it produces isn't toxic then you would have no problems eating say thirty pits would you? I caution you that if you do that you will certainly die from cyanide poisoning. Apricot pits are lethal - for a child as few as six will be sufficient and fifteen will make most people very ill and kill a good number of them.


That is utter ##### but that's for another day. I didn't call it a vitamin.

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You called it B17 - that is purportedly a vitamin in the B series and that's how it's presented (except of course it isn't a vitamin in any form).


I'll say it again - apricot pits are lethal, in small doses and you can easily die from taking quack cures like this. Try it at your own risk if you really must but if you push such dangerous ideas on here as being safe I'll involve the police.

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You called it B17 - that is purportedly a vitamin in the B series and that's how it's presented (except of course it isn't a vitamin in any form).


I'll say it again - apricot pits are lethal, in small doses and you can easily die from taking quack cures like this. Try it at your own risk if you really must but if you push such dangerous ideas on here as being safe I'll involve the police.


Find me one case of death associated with apricot seeds.

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Apricot seeds contain b17 a chemical found to have some amazing results on fighting cancer, lots of testimonial on the web. The cyanide is in a form broken down by the body and shouldn't be considered toxic. I wouldnt recommend eating bucket loads though.


You realise that you are actually committing a crime by making unsubstantiated and probably false claims about the ability of a substance to cure cancer?



Edited by Cyclone
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It says on Wikipedia apricot kernels contain cyanide and can be lethal. True or not I don't know.

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