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Are Labour better off without corbyn?

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Really? But you take such a keen interest in UKIP


---------- Post added 26-05-2016 at 16:31 ----------



This is all of what I wrote


Labour are rotten to the core, corbyn just one of the 95% of labour members that have destroyed a once great force for good. Better off without him? We are better off without labour. Wake up and join UKIP


Cutting my comments away, misrepresents


If you have more than maybe 20 posts of me even mentioning UKIP out of my upteen thousand I'd be gobsmacked.


---------- Post added 26-05-2016 at 16:46 ----------


or force the party to tow party line. epic fail.


Thats his problem. Corbyn has support of the large chunk of the rank and file labour membership, but it terms of getting things done on a day to day basis he has to work with the MPs who in the main can't stand him. Ergo, he's going with the majority of his MPs I suppose. Should he defy them and go with his conscience (and that didn't work out well with the whole not-singing-the-national-anthem thing) or not. He's trying to see a bigger picture and hes not used to doing that.


He's in a bit of a spot!

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Fair point, I think he will abstain from the vote.


or force the party to tow party line. epic fail.


---------- Post added 26-05-2016 at 16:54 ----------


If you have more than maybe 20 posts of me even mentioning UKIP out of my upteen thousand I'd be gobsmacked.


---------- Post added 26-05-2016 at 16:46 ----------



Thats his problem. Corbyn has support of the large chunk of the rank and file labour membership, but it terms of getting things done on a day to day basis he has to work with the MPs who in the main can't stand him. Ergo, he's going with the majority of his MPs I suppose. Should he defy them and go with his conscience (and that didn't work out well with the whole not-singing-the-national-anthem thing) or not. He's trying to see a bigger picture and hes not used to doing that.


He's in a bit of a spot!


He's just so far away from so many of his MPs..it can't possibly work.

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Here's a poser....Will Kippers still vote UKIP post Brexit?

Their raison d'etre is forcing Brexit and should they succeed a UK election might follow soon after.

If you look at the last Sheffield election (the by-election in Brightside this year) UKIP came a distant second, as they did in the general election in 2015. This isn't down to an influx of disgruntled Tories moving to Brightside but due to a largish number of core Labour voters switching to UKIP because they feel they're the only party that listens on immigration (let's not pretend there's any other reason). Post Brexit, will you still vote UKIP, a party right of the Tories (and you'd never dream of voting Tory would you?)? Do you really think UKIP has anything to offer the working man when UKIP themselves are founded on Thatcherism, which you despise? Or have you used UKIP as a catalyst to Brexit and will revert to Labour? But Labour is for remain, as are the Lib Dems, as are the Conservatives (officially). Post a Brexit initiated election the new government will have to re-establish it's links with Europe, which would more than likely mean keeping free movement of people. Max Hastings thinks Brexit might reduce immigration by 15%. Would a 15% reduction satisfy you? Hastings didn't specify why 15% nor did he categorically state we would keep free movement of people but many commentators agree to trade with Europe we must allow it (Norway and Switzerland must, for example).


UKIP will not win the next general election, but even if they did they have nothing left to offer disenfranchised labour voters. So, why would you vote for them??

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I honestly think I am too old to enter politics female or not, im pushing 70.

I haven't voted for over 40 years, because I don't trust any of them, once they get elected, full of empty promises, mind changing, making controversial remarks.

There are a few genuine people, who have to battle, and swim against the tide.

My one vote wont have changed political history, and I think many people such as me are equaly disgusted with politicians, and broken inafectual promises.

Regarding Nigel Ferage, I like the man, but as a leader hes another joke, too many pints, pubs and fags.

I just couldn't envisage Jeremy Corbyn in talks with Mr Obama, ever.

David Cameron wants to stay in the EU, so he can be the big man in Brussles, or wherever, and hob nob with other world leaders, its just an ego trip, and boosts his self worth.

I don't feel we should leave the EU, despite all, I feel its a safety blanket we SADLY need.

We are only a small island, and a little fish in the world, its better to be inside looking out.

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I honestly think I am too old to enter politics female or not, im pushing 70.

I haven't voted for over 40 years, because I don't trust any of them, once they get elected, full of empty promises, mind changing, making controversial remarks.

There are a few genuine people, who have to battle, and swim against the tide.

My one vote wont have changed political history, and I think many people such as me are equaly disgusted with politicians, and broken inafectual promises.

Regarding Nigel Ferage, I like the man, but as a leader hes another joke, too many pints, pubs and fags.

I just couldn't envisage Jeremy Corbyn in talks with Mr Obama, ever.

David Cameron wants to stay in the EU, so he can be the big man in Brussles, or wherever, and hob nob with other world leaders, its just an ego trip, and boosts his self worth.

I don't feel we should leave the EU, despite all, I feel its a safety blanket we SADLY need.

We are only a small island, and a little fish in the world, its better to be inside looking out.


If you don't vote you can't complain.

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The question is if we do have to accept free movement do we still have to pay the, benefits once we are out of the eu. If we still have to pay benefits to them then I think UKIP may well morph into a UK party with a view to unseat whoever is in power.

Let's not kid ourselves that they will go and disappear as I cannot see that, maybe they will become the third party instead of liberals. A lot depends on the new boundary changes as I currently have a Labour MP but the boundary change will take us with the posh end of Barnsley where conservatives have a strong vote. There are lots of variables that are yet to be played out.

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What if I vote tory in a safe labour seat, can I complain? And what if I vote labour and they don't do what they said theyd do - can I complain then? Who do I complain and what outcome should I expect?


It's simple. If you don't vote or spoil you can't complain how things are run!

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Here's a poser....Will Kippers still vote UKIP post Brexit?

Their raison d'etre is forcing Brexit and should they succeed a UK election might follow soon after.

If you look at the last Sheffield election (the by-election in Brightside this year) UKIP came a distant second, as they did in the general election in 2015. This isn't down to an influx of disgruntled Tories moving to Brightside but due to a largish number of core Labour voters switching to UKIP because they feel they're the only party that listens on immigration (let's not pretend there's any other reason). Post Brexit, will you still vote UKIP, a party right of the Tories (and you'd never dream of voting Tory would you?)? Do you really think UKIP has anything to offer the working man when UKIP themselves are founded on Thatcherism, which you despise? Or have you used UKIP as a catalyst to Brexit and will revert to Labour? But Labour is for remain, as are the Lib Dems, as are the Conservatives (officially). Post a Brexit initiated election the new government will have to re-establish it's links with Europe, which would more than likely mean keeping free movement of people. Max Hastings thinks Brexit might reduce immigration by 15%. Would a 15% reduction satisfy you? Hastings didn't specify why 15% nor did he categorically state we would keep free movement of people but many commentators agree to trade with Europe we must allow it (Norway and Switzerland must, for example).


UKIP will not win the next general election, but even if they did they have nothing left to offer disenfranchised labour voters. So, why would you vote for them??


To be honest I stopped reading half way, ukip are not to the right of Torys, or here in Sheffield anything but a working class movement. Labour on the other hand here in Sheffield are only interested in labour. Ukip will continue to thrive after we vote in this one. Ukip are not the problem ukip are the solution.

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