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Are Labour better off without corbyn?

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Ukip will continue to thrive after we vote in this one.


Hang on a minute.


Weren't you kippers excusing Our Nige's EU expenses-millionaire lifestyle at the last general election, with the justification that once we had been promised an EU referendum, then the kippers would have served their purpose and would no longer be necessary?


Well guess what?


We're finally having an EU referendum!


You and the other kippers can fade away into obscurity now.


No need to reply to my post, thanks.

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Hang on a minute.


Weren't you kippers excusing Our Nige's EU expenses-millionaire lifestyle at the last general election, with the justification that once we had been promised an EU referendum, then the kippers would have served their purpose and would no longer be necessary?


Well guess what?


We're finally having an EU referendum!


You and the other kippers can fade away into obscurity now.


No need to reply to my post, thanks.


To bad, we are here to stay and doing really well, thanks.

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Hang on a minute.


Weren't you kippers excusing Our Nige's EU expenses-millionaire lifestyle at the last general election, with the justification that once we had been promised an EU referendum, then the kippers would have served their purpose and would no longer be necessary?


Well guess what?


We're finally having an EU referendum!


You and the other kippers can fade away into obscurity now.


No need to reply to my post, thanks.

Sounds a bit like Scotland. Rejected independence in a referendum, then voted in the SNP in a landslide. That's not playing by the rules.

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To bad, we are here to stay and doing really well, thanks.


Genuine question: you do know if Brexit win DC continues as Prime Minister don't you? Nigel Farage doesn't become PM if there's an out vote. Do you understand that?


If there's a vote of no confidence in DC following a Brexit the Tories elect a new leader. They don't give the job to Nigel. Do you understand that?


When there is an election after Brexit no-one that voted remain will switch to UKIP. Brexit might win, by 5% on a low turn out. They won't win a general election on a higher turnout. Do you understand that?


UKIP is based on Thatcherism and doesn't give a stuff about its disenfranchised ex Labour voters. Sorry to burst your bubble.

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Sounds a bit like Scotland. Rejected independence in a referendum, then voted in the SNP in a landslide. That's not playing by the rules.


And Labour down from holding power to just one MP over a period of just 6 or 7 years. I understand that Labour had a crap leader up there at the time.

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I think when the media is forced to give Jeremy Corbyn air time, and we can hear for ourselves his policies direct from the horses mouth, (and not the heavily biased 'spun' version that is reported at present,) he will gain a much bigger following.

He is already surprisingly popular though you wouldn't know it from the press.

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I think when the media is forced to give Jeremy Corbyn air time, and we can hear for ourselves his policies direct from the horses mouth, (and not the heavily biased 'spun' version that is reported at present,) he will gain a much bigger following.

He is already surprisingly popular though you wouldn't know it from the press.


He's popular amongst the Labour membership

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I think when the media is forced to give Jeremy Corbyn air time, and we can hear for ourselves his policies direct from the horses mouth, (and not the heavily biased 'spun' version that is reported at present,) he will gain a much bigger following.

He is already surprisingly popular though you wouldn't know it from the press.


I want to see him on Question Time. I don't know if he has been asked? They have Nigel on a lot, and the Lib Dem leader, Tim something, it's escaped me, but he's a decent chap, and the Green lady. No Jezza or Sturgeon yet though. Do they not get asked or do they refuse?


What do you mean 'when the media is forced to give him air time?' Are they currently being forced not to?

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We are only a small island.



oh no we're not. This British 'tiny little island' myth is just total nonsense. There is an estimated 180,000 islands in the world. Of those approximately 180,000 islands, the main British island, is the 9th largest of them all in area, and the 3rd largest in population.


even Ireland, which is only 40% of the size of the main British island, is not small. Ireland is the 20th largest of those 180,000 islands in area, and the 19th in terms of population size.

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oh no we're not. This British 'tiny little island' myth is just total nonsense. There is an estimated 180,000 islands in the world. Of those approximately 180,000 islands, the main British island, is the 9th largest of them all in area, and the 3rd largest in population.


even Ireland, which is only 40% of the size of the main British island, is not small. Ireland is the 20th largest of those 180,000 islands in area, and the 19th in terms of population size.


The UK is one of the most densely populated parts of the EU. Ignoring city islands like Manhattan and Hong Kong, the UK is one of the most densely populated countries in the the world. I think this is what people generally mean, in a roundabout kind of way.


In the EU, the UK is third behind Belgium and the Netherlands, but these are flat countries where the vast majority of the land is capable of acting as living space. The UK is not flat so all the land suitable to live on in large numbers.

Edited by Berberis
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