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Are Labour better off without corbyn?

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Only London and the south east feels really crowded like right up there as being one of the world's truly most crowded places. Somewhere like Brighton feels considerably more packed in, than somewhere like Preston. Obviously 'city states' like Singapore and Monaco don't really count, but the UK is only the 3rd most densely populated 'proper' country in Europe behind Belgium and the Netherlands. However for a large country (like over 100,000km2 and above in area), the UK is crowded. Only Vietnam, Japan, the Philippines, India, and Bangladesh of bigger countries are more crowded.

Edited by blake
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To bad, we are here to stay and doing really well, thanks.


The problem with UKIP is they're now tarnished as being a bit of a joke loony party by the media. Farage might speak the truth, but he's become a target and won't be taken seriously, and I think that's set the party back a good five years.


Farage could do one his best speeches tomorrow, but all the media care about is tripping up its members and getting them to say racist things (remember the BBC documentary following them?) or do racist things (blacking up and claiming it was acne medication?).





Activist who 'blacked up' was just using an acne treatment


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Regarding the British Isles, look at a world globe, we are small, many many small islands have nothing to do with the EU.

A little more refinement and curtesy in your reply, would have been more appreciated, viament tones are not polite, or nice.:roll:

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Britain is just not a small island at all. It is the world's 9th largest out of 180,000 of them. Perhaps you also think Honshu, Japan or Luzon, Philippines are also small but I guarantee you wouldn't if you were on a bus that takes 12 hours plus to get from end of them the other.


the British 'tiny little island' thing is just a silly myth.

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I think when the media is forced to give Jeremy Corbyn air time, and we can hear for ourselves his policies direct from the horses mouth, (and not the heavily biased 'spun' version that is reported at present,) he will gain a much bigger following.

He is already surprisingly popular though you wouldn't know it from the press.


Yes I'm looking forward to Corbyn discussing Trident with a political journalist. I think the Labour Party has kept him out of the public eye because when he speaks he mentions his policies. Policies that don't fit in with the views of his MPs and certainly don't fit in with the views of the electorate in this century.

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We are a large island.


if Britain were not an island, but a mountain, although it might not be right up there with Mount Everest, it would still be in the Himalayas.

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it's big both in terms of land mass and population. 9th largest in land mass and 3rd largest in terms of population. Crowded yes. As Berberis said the island contains some of the more densely populated parts of Europe see here




the 'tiny little island' thing is a piece of mythology or folklore that I think may have taken root after Dunkirk. I have looked and although Churchill apparently never referred to it in one of his speeches as a 'tiny little island', he did refer to 'island' many times.

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it's big both in terms of land mass and population. 9th largest in land mass and 3rd largest in terms of population. Crowded yes. As Berberis said the island contains some of the more densely populated parts of Europe see here




the 'tiny little island' thing is a piece of mythology or folklore that I think may have taken root after Dunkirk. I have looked and although Churchill apparently never referred to it in one of his speeches as a 'tiny little island', he did refer to 'island' many times.


It's tiny in size compared to Australia. But has 3x more populous. It's strange how we are expected to take in so many immigrants if you look at the facts.

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