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Are Labour better off without corbyn?

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it may be an island, but one thing it definitely isn't, is the world's LARGEST island as Bryson - and many Australians mistakenly say that it is.


Antarctica, also surrounded by water, is twice as large as Australia and America, ditto surrounded by water, is way larger than that.


but if these continents are islands, the largest island of all is the Afro-Eurasia continental landmass. Over 12 times the size, of tiny Australia.


the Australia being the largest island in the world myth mainly comes from the fact that most people usually only see projected flat maps, and not globes where it is not immeadiately clear that Antartica is an island. If the Antartica continental landmass was situated not around the South Pole, but in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, you would be able to see that Australia is clearly not the world's largest island - it's only half of Antarctica's size. It would dwarf Australia, also situated in the Pacific Ocean, on such a map.


but even Antartica is only small compared to the other two continental landmasses, America and Afro-Eurasia which are so big that people don't think of them as islands, even though they are both, like Australia, completely surrounded by water.

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it may be an island, but one thing it definitely isn't, is the world's LARGEST island as Bryson - and many Australians mistakenly say that it is.


Antarctica, also surrounded by water, is twice as large as Australia and America, ditto surrounded by water, is way larger than that.


but if these continents are islands, the largest island of all is the Afro-Eurasia continental landmass. Over 12 times the size, of tiny Australia.


the Australia being the largest island in the world myth mainly comes from the fact that most people usually only see projected flat maps, and not globes where it is not immeadiately clear that Antartica is an island. If the Antartica continental landmass was situated not around the South Pole, but in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, you would be able to see that Australia is clearly not the world's largest island - it's only half of Antarctica's size. It would dwarf Australia, also situated in the Pacific Ocean, on such a map.


but even Antartica is only small compared to the other two continental landmasses, America and Afro-Eurasia which are so big that people don't think of them as islands, even though they are both, like Australia, completely surrounded by water.


I think its an island by definition.

Geographically it's a continental land mass.

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take it up with Ronald Reagan.


the biggest historical mistake in Ian Curteis' excellent The Falklands Play was its depiction of Alexander Haig as being a massive Angolophile, and pro-British against the onslaught of the Wicked Witch of the West, the pro-junta Jeanne Kirkpatrick.


in actual fact, Haig despite his surname being the same as the British commander of the Western Front during the latter stages of WW1, was not much of an Anglophile at all. The real Anglophile in the Falklands War business in the Reagan administration was not Reagan, or Haig, but a bloke with a totally un-British name, Caspar Weinberger, who turned out to be the most pro-British of all of them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did anyone see his appearance on The Last Leg on Friday? Was quite embarrassing.


The leftie audience were whooping and cheering every little smug remark though - particularly when footage was shown of him blanking Cameron.


Then Russell Crowe came on as the second guest and took him to task for it - saying that someone as a world leader shouldn't act so childish.

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I honestly think I am too old to enter politics female or not, im pushing 70.

I haven't voted for over 40 years, because I don't trust any of them, once they get elected, full of empty promises, mind changing, making controversial remarks.

There are a few genuine people, who have to battle, and swim against the tide.

My one vote wont have changed political history, and I think many people such as me are equaly disgusted with politicians, and broken inafectual promises.

Regarding Nigel Ferage, I like the man, but as a leader hes another joke, too many pints, pubs and fags.

I just couldn't envisage Jeremy Corbyn in talks with Mr Obama, ever.

David Cameron wants to stay in the EU, so he can be the big man in Brussles, or wherever, and hob nob with other world leaders, its just an ego trip, and boosts his self worth.

I don't feel we should leave the EU, despite all, I feel its a safety blanket we SADLY need.

We are only a small island, and a little fish in the world, its better to be inside looking out.


Your one vote and all the other one votes are what make the difference. How many people do you think are saying the same thing.


Yes I agree with your view on disgusting behaviour of many political figures many of the politicians are not worth the salt on the chips.

I would have preferred Dennis Skinner in the leader role but he is clearly too abrasive for some people.

Get out there and vote. How do you know that someone is not stealing your vote if you don't use it?

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