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Expats - What do you miss about Sheffield?

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

What I miss now I am living in Sheff...


The Sea :(

Oh amen to that one... but still I love the people here.. ask the time and they give you a smile and offer a quick chat here.. (well most people anyways)...


So, totally unlike London... :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by headup

Family, friends, Rebels (Dixon Lane) and Rock Night at Roxy (although they shut down when I was still in Sheffield), Castleton, good fish and chips, my mum's Yorkshire Pudding.


God yes! My mum's YP unequalled to this day, although I've tried. .... and Castleton. We used to catch a train at Heeley and go to someplace or other (going through Totley Tunnel was the best), then walk on to Castleton. Mum was in her late forties by then, but she was an Olympian walker (you had to be, didn't you?).


I remember a little shop or other stuffed with relics and Blue John. The flies in amber still haunt me to this day.


We used to climb the sides of Winnats Pass and stuff our pockets with scraps of Blue John until we got to the top, where the wind was so strong we could lean on it and not fall over, and way over there was Mam Tor, and looking over it all was Peverell Castle.


.....at least, that's how I remember it....


....and while we're at it, what I wouldn't give for a slice of Hovis smothered in dripping right now!

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Originally posted by Chris Shaw

....and while we're at it, what I wouldn't give for a slice of Hovis smothered in dripping right now!


LOL - Dripping. That stuff's probably illegal nowadays. Pure fat. Yummeh! I was always disturbed by the brown stuff that accumulated under the white layer on the top.

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yep, I have missed many things.

in my childhood when in sheffield in winter i dug out real snow & slush off the pavement, so we could walk a bit safer but by far it was snow ball fights that i enjoyed

in autumn collecting conkers but the game iwas not good at.

summer rolling down hill in longley park and making daisy chains

while gassing about not much

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I'd miss the gaping potholes,

the litter at my feet.

I'd miss the constant struggle,

as ice, takes hold my street.


I'd miss the dear sweet children,

lobbing stones at my front door,

I'd yearn for sleeping policemen,

scraping my car floor.


I'd miss the empty dwellings,

and phone lines up above,

but, most of all, I think I'd miss,



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