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Expats - What do you miss about Sheffield?

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I left and came back.

I missed family and friends, I missed knowing the place I lived, down to the smallest alleyway and twist or turn.


Now I can miss the friends I left in other places, I should try to be better at staying in touch,

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Friendly people.

Beer (with a head on it).

Henderson's Relish.


anything up to 40 to 50,000 people turning up on a regular basis to watch two pretty poor footy teams.

Gloriously miserable old folk LOL

How we never quite get things right.

Potted Dog on a doorstep.

Good cup of tea.


But I'm not planning on moving just yet.

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  • 10 months later...


Hope this doesn't depress you too much------but I think these days you'd be very lucky to find a pub with live music and a decent fish and chip shop within walking distance of your home.!

As an ex-pat , myself , I can hazard a guess as to what a lot of us miss but I'm afraid Sheffield's changed a lot these past few years. I miss not being able to buy a good , informative newspaper but I guess , at least , you can STILL do that in Sheffield these days----at least I hope so !

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  • 2 weeks later...

What I miss most of all is the experience of going into a pub, thick with smoke, solid with people, loud conversation, Dinah Washington on the juke box, or Billy Eckstine, or Nat Cole, all along with a carcase full of good beer, and knowing full well at the back of your mind that another pint will see you well out of it. E.G. The 'Cricketers' on Division Street or the 'Lion' back of the City Hall, circa 1955, never ever been bettered.

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