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Expats - What do you miss about Sheffield?

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Roe fish they do not know what it is in breadcake land & Heeley & my old mates who i don't think own a comp or have heard of the forum, also relish but our local shop has recently started to sell it so I don't have to get relatives to get me some from Sheffield.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I miss my family, friends and people in general. I do miss a good cup of tea, chocolate and good fish and chips.

Hey Funkee 88 I'm in Florida too, Do you have Publix Grocery stores up in Pensicola, they now carry a British food section including Digestive biscuits, Hobb Knobs and chocolate.

How did you fair in the Hurricanes last year, I'm in Lake Worth, we got hit by two in 3 weeks I was ready to move back to the UK, but I would miss the warmth. Michelle

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  • 1 month later...

I was so glad to go, yet now Ifind myself looking back with so much fondness. Most of what I miss has been separated from me by time though, not distance...


I miss the Wap, The Drop (at the City Hall Ballroom) and later the Corporation, live music at the Hallamshire, going to Everest for a curry, the whole Devonshire Green area before it became uber-trendy, stumbling home at night down streets so familiar that no amount of booze could make you go astray, having to hide in public places to avoid running into past loves, and the most loyal and caring group of friends in the world. All my college days and time spent biding my time on the dole line... dark days, though never to be forgotten. Back in those days it was like every day was an episode of Spaced...


I'd love to go back and visit (I'd kill for a time machine to do it all over again too), but I guess I'm afraid of how much will have changed. Perhaps the memories will have to be enough...


But man, what memories :)

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Hey Mondo I know what you mean used to love the Everest back in the old days when Max had it. Had lock ins there with him and been sat chattin comming out about 6am lol


Hey whats the furthest anyone has found Hendersons Relish for sale.

I just found a shop in Langley British Columbia that sells it. :clap:

Was getting worried as I only brought 6 bottles with me when I moved here and you can't eat meat and tater pie without it.

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Hi Albatross.....I live in Cornwall now and was told Henderson's was sold in a nearby village (Constantine)....I built my hopes up and went with full wallet, only to find out I had been wound up :suspect: ....alas all is now sorted.......a mate goes up to Sheffield reasonably regularly so I order 12 bottles at a time!

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Hey whats the furthest anyone has found Hendersons Relish for sale.

I just found a shop in Langley British Columbia that sells it. :clap:

Was getting worried as I only brought 6 bottles with me when I moved here and you can't eat meat and tater pie without it. [/b]


Hi Albatross ! My son lives in Port Coquitlam and is visiting for Thanksgiving. If you wouldn't mind giving me the name and address of the shop I'll see if he can bring some. I'm not sure where Langley is in relation to Vancouver so I don't know whether this will happen or not. Thanks

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What i miss are the walks around Derbyshire,the people of Sheffield. I think the thing that i miss most is cod & chips nobody seems to know how to make good crispy batter here.I also miss the good old days of toast & dripping.

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I miss cosiness, cosy pubs,they'awful now ,Imean most young people wouldn.t know what a decent pub is ,in the past they never had ear drum smashing music,they did'nt have cigrerette machines,they did'nt sell chemical beer. they were for proper drinkers,not **** head yobs hooligans.i used to go to pubs and meet intresting people,not people sitting on the floor drinking out of tins,i can;t stand it, young people ruin pubs. i miss company,i feel nostalgic for genuinely interesting people,genuine bohemians .now they:re full of creeps,I miss conversation,not ''what do you do''every one has to have some sort of job that they can quickly describe as if that some how sums them up for the other person,i mean life isn,t just about working,there,s no virtue in work for its own sake its a myth that was invented by people like d.h. lawrence to keep people down the coal mines. now go and get a nice glass of something to drink ,sit by a log fire with a good book and be cosy for ***** sake.

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