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300,000+ migrants..what the..

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Normally I wouldn't give such a troll reply the time of day...but I'll make you an exception,


4yrs ago I was a self employed joiner/shopfitter. Own van, tools house etc etc.

Working away most weeks and weekends. The recession came, work dried up and polish were undercutting everyone. In the end I was expected to travel in my van, stand to fuel costs, work for dismal hourly rates but still be expected to have £4-6k of tools in the van to work with. I jacked, sold my van and took a job working for a local firm as a skivvy.


4yrs on, my 4 bed detached house is paid for, still have savings too, my partner now only works part time, I work full time, cycle to work. Home every night, weekends free etc etc etc.

In the past 20yrs I haven't had one day off for being sick. 4yrs on I still get calls each week asking me to go back to joinery. To hell with the lot of 'em.

The polish at work are lazy, first up for breaks, last back to work. My job role now is more skill based, possibly because of my background.

I pay virtually no tax, don't run a car, don't use migrant car washes for my partners car, in short I contribute as little as possible to the migrant workers here in the UK......they'll get sweet FA from me!

But, what pains me is why should my young son who is still at primary school have to face job competition when he finally leaves school. I find it utterly appalling that these immigrants can just waltz in and take the proverbial! That I and many other hard working Brits have paid taxes for in our working lives.....no one ever gave me anything for nothing.....but we are all expected to just keep funding. If the government is so keen to bring them in, I suggest they house them in Gloucestershire or the Cotswolds. But No!! As usual it's Do As I Say not As I Do.


It stinks!!


So Poles undercut you, you had to move on in life and actually ended up with a better life, but immigrants get sweet FA from you anyway?


That really does stink... T'were much bette.... Ah never mind.

Edited by nikki-red
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If your job can be taken by someone who barely speaks English then it is your fault for being useless in the job market.


Spoken like a true blue tory


But we have a Tory Government in power at the moment, who, at the last election promised to cut mass migration.


---------- Post added 26-05-2016 at 21:52 ----------


Normally I wouldn't give such a troll reply the time of day...but I'll make you an exception,


4yrs ago I was a self employed joiner/shopfitter. Own van, tools house etc etc.

Working away most weeks and weekends. The recession came, work dried up and polish were undercutting everyone. In the end I was expected to travel in my van, stand to fuel costs, work for dismal hourly rates but still be expected to have £4-6k of tools in the van to work with. I jacked, sold my van and took a job working for a local firm as a skivvy.


4yrs on, my 4 bed detached house is paid for, still have savings too, my partner now only works part time, I work full time, cycle to work. Home every night, weekends free etc etc etc.

In the past 20yrs I haven't had one day off for being sick. 4yrs on I still get calls each week asking me to go back to joinery. To hell with the lot of 'em.

The polish at work are lazy, first up for breaks, last back to work. My job role now is more skill based, possibly because of my background.

I pay virtually no tax, don't run a car, don't use migrant car washes for my partners car, in short I contribute as little as possible to the migrant workers here in the UK......they'll get sweet FA from me!

But, what pains me is why should my young son who is still at primary school have to face job competition when he finally leaves school. I find it utterly appalling that these immigrants can just waltz in and take the proverbial pi$$! That I and many other hard working Brits have paid taxes for in our working lives.....no one ever gave me anything for nothing.....but we are all expected to just keep funding. If the government is so keen to bring them in, I suggest they house them in Gloucestershire or the Cotswolds. But No!! As usual it's Do As I Say not As I Do.


It stinks!!


I don't understand what you're saying.....You're blaming foreigners for the fact that you now have, what sounds like a cushy life - and pay little tax as well!!!

We've all got hard luck stories. As a consequence of the recession I along with many colleagues have been demoted at work and paid less for the job we do. And, like you, it's given me the spur to retrain so I can hopefully start a new career doing something different. However I'm determined that I'm not going lose my humanity and kick those lowest down in society. They're just trying to make a better life for themselves and their families.

And remember lots of people from the UK have ****** off to places like Spain & the Canary Islands - many of them speak not a word of Spanish and look their noses at the local people as peasants. Many turn their noses up at the local food, presumably as it's 'foreign muck', but would rather shop at the local Iceland (which is peopled by folk who could've walked off the set of 'Little Britain') for over priced goods that have to be shipped in specially.

At least the Polish people I know in Sheffield are trying to improve their lot, do college courses & learn the lingo.


---------- Post added 26-05-2016 at 22:10 ----------


No it's not mainly because our own ethnic British don't want the hard agricultural work. It's because the greedy land owners/farmers do not want to pay a decent wage for a job that can sometimes be back breaking. No man should be asked to work like a horse and be paid peanuts . The local business men are making a killing at exploiting migrants who they know will take almost anything being offered to them. And before some on here say "well they are being paid the minimum wage", i will tell you that the work is very hard graft as i have done it myself and is worth double what they pay. I don't blame the locals for turning down that sort of money for a job that is utterly soul destroying.


Indeed. And there was a report recently that many agricultural workers are paid below the minimum wage. Life is truly grim for many people who do back breaking work.

Edited by Mister M
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I can understand how MrCharlie feels. The thing is, it is always the system that our government has created that is the issue. You cannot blame the migrants. It is the same with the welfare state, you cannot blame the claimants. I agree totally that our system in the UK needs changing.


We have a chance to make some changes in less than 4 weeks time. But, this cannot change everything.


By the way the 330,000 migration figure is Net migration. This means 330,000 more people came to the UK than left.


Maybe in a few generations down the road it will sort itself out? In the 60s people were complaining about Jamaicans but you don’t hear anything now. In the 70s it was the Pakistanis, but if it wasn’t for them who would feed you after a good night out and then give you a ride home afterwards, and provide a home for you and your family to rent?


As for the polish and other East European people I just cannot predict in which way things will evolve with these people. Maybe it will go the same way as things went with our Caribbean visitors.


Quick story to lighten the mood. My Polish and Italian colleagues were only doing a half day. I asked why and the Italian said they were off to see Pearl Jam. I said, 'never had you down as a Pearl Jam fan Davide.' He said, in jest, 'why, cos I'm Italian, I only like Vivaldi?' I said, 'no mate, it's cos you are dressed like a Mod.'


I leant him Quadraphenia which explained what a mod was and he was quite happy.


These people, in my experience, a rather a lot like us.


I hope you enjoyed that XD

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But we have a Tory Government in power at the moment, who, at the last election promised to cut mass migration.


---------- Post added 26-05-2016 at 21:52 ----------



I don't understand what you're saying.....You're blaming foreigners for the fact that you now have, what sounds like a cushy life - and pay little tax as well!!!

We've all got hard luck stories. As a consequence of the recession I along with many colleagues have been demoted at work and paid less for the job we do. And, like you, it's given me the spur to retrain so I can hopefully start a new career doing something different. However I'm determined that I'm not going lose my humanity and kick those lowest down in society. They're just trying to make a better life for themselves and their families.

And remember lots of people from the UK have ****** off to places like Spain & the Canary Islands - many of them speak not a word of Spanish and look their noses at the local people as peasants. Many turn their noses up at the local food, presumably as it's 'foreign muck', but would rather shop at the local Iceland (which is peopled by folk who could've walked off the set of 'Little Britain') for over priced goods that have to be shipped in specially.

At least the Polish people I know in Sheffield are trying to improve their lot, do college courses & learn the lingo.


---------- Post added 26-05-2016 at 22:10 ----------



Indeed. And there was a report recently that many agricultural workers are paid below the minimum wage. Life is truly grim for many people who do back breaking work.



Okay, let's get something straight here.

My outburst above was in retaliation to the troll comments left to me. Fact is as they say "sow the seeds..reap the rewards" my "cushy" life as you describe it....!! Is better than most I agree. Fact is I earn crap money for a crap job with a crap firm.....BUT, that's all it is to me...A JOB!!

I no longer spend money like water I live to my means and truth be told I'm enjoying life better.


So maybe I'm one of the lucky ones! Work colleagues aren't quite so lucky, great set of guys. Friendly, hard working, reliable but totally and completely expendable by this seemingly new generation of buisiness that want to exploit the cheap labour market. These business don't see us as individuals, we are merely a byproduct to creating their wealth and as such they show zero respect nor loyalty despite their workers trying their best to please.

Now in my late 40's I see many of my co-workers half my age facing financial troubles I never had to face, compounded by shockingly bad wages, management's that couldn't care less if you turned up or not and a shrinking job market with employers treating agency workers with the type of disdain that I thought we'd left back in the Victorian era.

If it wasn't for the huge influx of cheap foreign labour, do you suppose employers might have a little more consideration for their workforce?

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Okay, let's get something straight here.

My outburst above was in retaliation to the troll comments left to me. Fact is as they say "sow the seeds..reap the rewards" my "cushy" life as you describe it....!! Is better than most I agree. Fact is I earn crap money for a crap job with a crap firm.....BUT, that's all it is to me...A JOB!!

I no longer spend money like water I live to my means and truth be told I'm enjoying life better.


So maybe I'm one of the lucky ones! Work colleagues aren't quite so lucky, great set of guys. Friendly, hard working, reliable but totally and completely expendable by this seemingly new generation of buisiness that want to exploit the cheap labour market. These business don't see us as individuals, we are merely a byproduct to creating their wealth and as such they show zero respect nor loyalty despite their workers trying their best to please.

Now in my late 40's I see many of my co-workers half my age facing financial troubles I never had to face, compounded by shockingly bad wages, management's that couldn't care less if you turned up or not and a shrinking job market with employers treating agency workers with the type of disdain that I thought we'd left back in the Victorian era.

If it wasn't for the huge influx of cheap foreign labour, do you suppose employers might have a little more consideration for their workforce?


The number of unemployed is falling...the job market ain't dead. Statistics show young people are less likely to save money than your generation. They enjoy it now.


---------- Post added 26-05-2016 at 22:41 ----------


:huh: Do Mods have to dress a certain way? Didn`t know that. Is it a special SF uniform or something?


Would you also like to borrow Quadraphenia?

Edited by Shef1985
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Okay, let's get something straight here.

My outburst above was in retaliation to the troll comments left to me. Fact is as they say "sow the seeds..reap the rewards" my "cushy" life as you describe it....!! Is better than most I agree. Fact is I earn crap money for a crap job with a crap firm.....BUT, that's all it is to me...A JOB!!

I no longer spend money like water I live to my means and truth be told I'm enjoying life better.


So maybe I'm one of the lucky ones! Work colleagues aren't quite so lucky, great set of guys. Friendly, hard working, reliable but totally and completely expendable by this seemingly new generation of buisiness that want to exploit the cheap labour market. These business don't see us as individuals, we are merely a byproduct to creating their wealth and as such they show zero respect nor loyalty despite their workers trying their best to please.

Now in my late 40's I see many of my co-workers half my age facing financial troubles I never had to face, compounded by shockingly bad wages, management's that couldn't care less if you turned up or not and a shrinking job market with employers treating agency workers with the type of disdain that I thought we'd left back in the Victorian era.

If it wasn't for the huge influx of cheap foreign labour, do you suppose employers might have a little more consideration for their workforce?


They might not employ anyone. They might not exist at all!

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Have you ever been made redundant? You cannot just sack people and replace them with cheaper foreign labour. It is illegal.


That's rather Naive in my opinion. Lots of things are illegal but there are ways and means round almost any legislation.


Worker's rights have been diminishing steadily over the last few years to the point where there are very few left. People who work through agencies or have short contracts/hours or less than 2 years at the same company have almost no rights or protection, which is why many jobs now go through agencies.


And of course wages go down to less than the minimum wage (that's illegal too, but it happens, just ask a care worker with no travel time.)


One of the aspects that is never talked about with regards the homogenisation of the EU, is that there is a section of society right across Europe that will soon all be as poor as Rumanian workers.

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