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I'm Back: Didja miss me? Also dancing this w/e


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hey guys

am back from a nice few weeks off in the sun. what's been happening in sheffield?


also, am desperate for some house, trance, dance action....does anyone know what's on at plug or sutra this saturday or sunday eve? know phonetics is on saturday.


good to be back. looking forward to catching up with u dudes soon in the usual playpens!





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Aww maaan. where have all the games gone?


6 word story thread

person above you

word association

answer question with question.....???


awwmmhhhhmmmpf....gonna sulk....


(swings arms low side to side, kevin and perry style)




Those threads got pulled due to spamming and high usage of server power.


PM the Mods if you want further info.

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