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Government want to 'Reclaim the Internet.'

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So what do you think our government wants to do that the EU won't do?

Look up the Investigatory Powers Bill for their latest attempt at monitoring us (although you can look at a history of what they've done in the past here). You could also consider the network of ANPR cameras around our road network and the use they are put to. In terms of them not valuing our privacy, you could start with the NHS care.data plan and the various other bits of bulk passing of patient data to companies without adequate safeguards.


Compare that with the EU's policies on Protection of Personal Data.

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This journalist seems to think there are


---------- Post added 27-05-2016 at 14:14 ----------



Probably less than you think.


Same as GCHQ then.


---------- Post added 27-05-2016 at 15:25 ----------



There speaks someone who takes our (current) freedoms for granted.

Try going to any country with a dictatorship, and see how free people are to speak their minds. The government certainly takes an interest there.

Times change. We live in a democracy, a long way from dictatorships, but we mustn't allow it to be undermined.


Ask Julian Assange, or Edward Snowden. Ask any whistleblower...


People have to be aware how precious such freedoms are, and remember the need to protect them.


Don't get me started on those two!

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The WWW is not the internet - as already said.


Do you call what you are using now on google chrome or whatever the world wide web or the internet?


---------- Post added 27-05-2016 at 14:33 ----------


Aren't the two the same thing? I mean this URL has www. In it.

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'They' don't read them all, a massive computer does. 'They' don't listen to all your calls, a massive computer does. The computers look for patterns, key phrases and a multitude of other behaviour that can be flagged for further review. You would have to be interested in some pretty kinky stuff and use some pretty lurid language before an actual civil servant showed even the slightest bit of interest.


The idea that anyone in Government gives a stuff about what most people are doing most of the time is Orwellian baloney.

Just because they get computers to do it doesn't mean the government aren't doing it. It's just the computer has made it cheap enough instead of employing hordes of civil servant to do so.


In general[1] people don't object to targeted surveillance. The issue is one of 'we have reason to suspect this person is up to no good, we need to monitor them' vs 'we age going to monitor everyone all the time in case they do something we are interested in'. Even a former NSA technical director thinks the latter is a bad idea.



[1] Obviously, terrorists, paedophiles, master criminals, etc. have a different view.

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I call what I'm using now a PC.


It happens to run a software application called Iceweasel which uses a layer seven protocol called HTTP that runs on top of a layer 4 protocol called TCP that routes traffic on a layer 3 protocol called IP that sits on standards at layer 2 and on hardware at layer 1.


Tell me which part of that you think is the internet then....

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I call what I'm using now a PC.


It happens to run a software application called Iceweasel which uses a layer seven protocol called HTTP that runs on top of a layer 4 protocol called TCP that routes traffic on a layer 3 protocol called IP that sits on standards at layer 2 and on hardware at layer 1.


Tell me which part of that you think is the internet then....


It's funny because everyone I know professionally or personally would call this the internet.

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