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Government want to 'Reclaim the Internet.'

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The problem is, as the article I linked to in post #64 says "The Home Office said the RIPA legislation did not appear to have been used inappropriately.". So the government thought it was OK. They draft legislation so vaguely, require so little independent authorisation or oversight and provide no real penalties for misuse that it's obvious that they have no real concern for privacy or proportionality.


From this example, maybe not. The Home Office maybe said what they said because the suspicion was founded on a correct assumption. The child wasn't eligible for that school. Good school or not, the parents did 'fiddle' another child out of a place - they deliberately held moving house until after she was accepted. Perhaps they did have a quiet word with the council about playing Harry Palmer though, behind closed doors. They hardly gave a ringing endorsement of Poole Council's actions.


Hardly worthy of Brave New World or 1984 related panic.

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